Service Matrix

This page is a quick list of services currently available on the branch.
You can see the bleeding edge list here and the released services here.
service count 164
referencing url :

Adafruit16CServoDrivercontrols 16 pwm pins for 16 servos/LED or 8 motors
AdafruitIna219measures voltage and current of a circuit
AdafruitMotorHat4Pidescription of service
Ads1115a higher-precision analog to digital converter 16-bit
Amt203EncoderAMT203 Encoder - Absolute position encoder
Androidre-publishes Android proximity and position information
Arduinocontrols an Arduino microcontroller as a slave, which allows control of all the devices the Arduino is attached to, such as servos, motors and sensors
Armrobot arm service
As5048AEncoderAS5048A Encoder - 14 bit - Absolute position encoder
AudioCapturecaptures and stores audio from microphone
AudioFilecan play audio files on multiple tracks
AzureTranslatorinterface to Azure translation services
cloud service requires internet connection and possibly account
BeagleBoardBlackservice to access the beagle board black hardware
Blenderinterfaces Blender for simulation and display
Blocksbasic block programming interface
Bno055General BNO055 acclerometer and gyro
BodyPartAn easier way to control a body ...
BoofCva very portable vision library using pure Java
Chassiscontrol platform
ChessGameWould you like to play a game?
ChessGameManagermanages multiple interfaces for a chess game
Clockused to generate pulses and recurring messages
Cronis a cron like service capable of scheduling future actions using cron syntax
CsvConnectorThis service crawls a csv file and publishes each row as a document
Databasedatabase - wrapper around jdbc access
DatabaseConnectorThis service will run a select statement against a database and return the rows as documents to be published
Deeplearning4jA wrapper service for the Deeplearning4j framework.
DiscordBotDiscord Bot Proxy for chatbot backend.
DiyServoControls a motor so that it can be used as a Servo
DockerDocker service to manage docker containers
DocumentPipelineThis service will pass a document through a document processing pipeline made up of transformers
DruppNeckInMoov Drupp Neck Service
EddieControlBoardmicrocontroller designed for robotics
Elasticsearchused as a general template
Emojiused as a general template
Esp8266This connector will scan all the files in a directory and production documents
Esp8266_01ESP8266-01 service to communicate using WiFi and i2c
FileConnectorThis connector will scan all the files in a directory and production documents
FiniteStateMachinegeneral service which can create and maintaine multiple finite state machines
Gitused to manage source code
GoProGo pro camera support
GoogleCloudgoogle api client service
cloud service requires internet connection and possibly account
GoogleSearchused as a general google search
Gpsparses NMEA sentences coming in over a Serial service
Hd44780I2C LCD Display driver
HtmlFilterThis service will strip html markup from the input text
HtmlParserhtml parser
HttpClienta general purpose http client, used to fetch information on the web
I2cMuxMultiplexer for i2c to be able to use multiple i2c devices
IBusIBus serial protocol
ImageDisplayIBus serial protocol
ImapEmailConnectorThis connector will connect to an IMAP based email server and crawl the emails
cloud service requires internet connection and possibly account
InMoov2InMoov2 Service
InMoov2Armthe InMoov Arm Service
InMoov2Handan easier way to create gestures for InMoov
InMoov2HeadThe inmoov2 head
InMoov2TorsoInMoov Torso
IndianTtsHindi text to speech support - requires keys
cloud service requires internet connection and possibly account
IntegratedMovementa 3D kinematics service supporting D-H parameters
IntroIntroduction to MyRobotlab
InverseKinematicsInverse Kinematics
InverseKinematics3Da 3D kinematics service supporting D-H parameters
IpCameracontrol and video stream capture for generic ip camera
JFugueservice wrapping Jfugue, used for music and sound generation
JMonkeyEngineis a 3d game engine, used for simulators
JavaScriptnative jvm javascript engine, which allows execution of javascript through exec method
Joystickservice allows interfacing with a keyboard, joystick or gamepad
KafkaConnectorProvides a string/string consumer for a kafka topic.
Keyboardkeyboard interface
KeyboardSimsimulate keyboard interactions
LeapMotionLeap Motion Service
LidarThe Lidar Service - Light Detection And Ranging
LidarVlp16used as a general template
LloydLloyd an evolved InMoov.
Lm75aLM75A Digital temperature sensor
LocalSpeechLocal OS text to speech ( tts.exe / say etc ... )
LogLogging Service helpful in diagnostics
MailSMTP ssl/tls service used for sending things
MarySpeechSpeech synthesis based on MaryTTS
Mavenservice capable of building mrl locally
MobilePlatformused to encapsulate many of the functions and formulas regarding 2 motor platforms encoders and other feedback mechanisms can be added to provide heading, location and other information
MotorMotor service which supports 1 pwr pwm pin and 1 direction pin
MotorDualPwmMotor service which support 2 pwr pwm pins clockwise and counterclockwise
MotorHat4PiMotor service for the Raspi Motor HAT
MotorPortsupports port related motor controllers such as the Sabertooth and AdaFruitMotorShield
MouseSimsimulate mouse interactions
MouthControlMouth movements based on spoken text
Mpr121MPR121 Touch sensor & LED Driver
Mpu6050General MPU-6050 acclerometer and gyro
MqttThis is an Mqtt client based on the Paho Mqtt client library. Mqtt is a machine-to-machine (M2M)/'Internet of Things' connectivity protocol. See
cloud service requires internet connection and possibly account
MqttBrokerThis is an Mqtt client based on the Paho Mqtt client library. Mqtt is a machine-to-machine (M2M)/'Internet of Things' connectivity protocol. See
cloud service requires internet connection and possibly account
MultiWiiMultiWii interface
MyoThalmicMyo service to control with the Myo armband
NeoPixelControl a Neopixel hardware
OculusDiyService to receive and compute data from a DIY Oculus
OculusRiftThe Oculus Rift Head Tracking Service
OledSsd1306OLED driver using SSD1306 driver and the i2c protocol
OpenCVOpenCV (computer vision) service wrapping many of the functions and filters of OpenCV
OpenNiOpenNI Service - 3D sensor
OpenWeatherMapThis service will query OpenWeatherMap for the current weather. Get an API key at
cloud service requires internet connection and possibly account
OscService for the Open Sound Control using the JavaOsc library
Pcf8574Pcf8574 i2c 8 pin I/O extender
PidA proportional integral derivative controller (Pid controller) commonly used in industrial control systems
Pingdarused as a ultra sonic radar
PirPIR - Passive Infrared Sensor
PollyAmazon speech synthesis - requires keys
cloud service requires internet connection and possibly account
ProgramABAIML 2.0 Reference interpreter based on Program AB
Proxyused as a general template
Pythonthe Jython script engine compatible with pure Python 2.7 scripts
RSSConnectorThis will crawl an rss feed at the given url and break apart the page into Documents
cloud service requires internet connection and possibly account
Randomprovides a service for random message generation
RasPiRaspberry Pi service used for accessing specific RasPi hardware like th GPIO pins and i2c
RekognitionAmazon visual recognition cloud service
cloud service requires internet connection and possibly account
RelayRelay used by an arduino
RoboClawinterface for the powerful RoboClaw motor controller
Roombacontrols a Roomba robot through a blue-tooth serial port
Rosinterface to Ros
Runtimeis a singleton service responsible for the creation, starting, stopping, releasing and registration of all other services
Sabertoothinterface for the powerful Sabertooth motor controller
Securityused as a general template
SegmentDisplayused as a general template
SensorMonitorsensor monitor - capable of displaying sensor information in a crude oscilliscope fasion
Serialreads and writes data to a serial port
SerialRelayRelaying Serial data to a different serial port on mega Arduino
ServoGeneral hobby servo control with absolute positioning
ServoMixerServoMixer - most just a swing gui that allows for simple movements of all servos in one gui panel.
Shoutboxshoutbox server
SlackBotSlack Bot Proxy for chatbot backend.
SolrSolr Service - Open source search engine
Sphinxopen source pure Java speech recognition
Ssc32UsbServoControllerLynxmotion usb 32 servo controller
SwingGuiService used to graphically display and control other services
TarsosDspdigital signal processing - used for audio effects, although it could have many other uses
TensorflowTensorflow machine learning library from Google
TesseractOcrOptical character recognition - the ability to read
TestTesting service
TestCatcherThis service is used to test messaging
TestThrowerTestThrower is used with TestCatcher to test messaging
ThingSpeakService which can relay data to a ThingSpeak account
TopCodesTopcodes finds visual references and identifiers
Trackingtracks objects through video stream given a simple pan, tilt servo camera rig
TwitterService which can relay tweets
cloud service requires internet connection and possibly account
UltrasonicSensorranging sensor
Updaterused to manage updates
VideoStreamerVideo streaming service
VirtualArduinovirtual hardware of for the Arduino!
VoiceRssVoiceRss speech synthesis service.
cloud service requires internet connection and possibly account
WatchDogTimerused as a general template
WebGuiweb display
WebSocketConnectorconnect to a websocket
WebXrWebXr allows hmi devices to add input and get data back from mrl
Webcamused as a general webcam
WebkitSpeechRecognitionSpeech recognition using Google Chrome webkit
WebkitSpeechSynthesisWeb speech api using Chrome or Firefox speech synthesis
WiiWii mote control and sensor info
WiiDarWiiDar.... who dar? WiiDar!
WikiDataFetcherThis service grab data from wikidata website
cloud service requires internet connection and possibly account
WikipediaThis service grab data from Wikipedia rest api
cloud service requires internet connection and possibly account
WolframAlphaRun queries against wolfram alpha!
cloud service requires internet connection and possibly account
WorkEthe worke bot !
XMLConnectorThis is an XML Connector that will parse a large xml file into many small xml documents
Xmppxmpp service to access the jabber network
YahooFinanceStockQuoteThis service will query Yahoo Finance to get the current stock price. more info @
_TemplateServiceused as a general template