| name | | description | cloud |
| Adafruit16CServoDriver | | controls 16 pwm pins for 16 servos/LED or 8 motors | |
| AdafruitIna219 | | measures voltage and current of a circuit | |
| AdafruitMotorHat4Pi | | description of service | |
| Ads1115 | | a higher-precision analog to digital converter 16-bit | |
| Amt203Encoder | | AMT203 Encoder - Absolute position encoder | |
| Android | | re-publishes Android proximity and position information | |
| Arduino | | controls an Arduino microcontroller as a slave, which allows control of all the devices the Arduino is attached to, such as servos, motors and sensors | |
| Arm | | robot arm service | |
| As5048AEncoder | | AS5048A Encoder - 14 bit - Absolute position encoder | |
| AudioCapture | | captures and stores audio from microphone | |
| AudioFile | | can play audio files on multiple tracks | |
| AzureTranslator | | interface to Azure translation services | |
| BeagleBoardBlack | | service to access the beagle board black hardware | |
| Blender | | interfaces Blender for simulation and display | |
| Blocks | | basic block programming interface | |
| Bno055 | | General BNO055 acclerometer and gyro | |
| BodyPart | | An easier way to control a body ... | |
| BoofCv | | a very portable vision library using pure Java | |
| Chassis | | control platform | |
| ChessGame | | Would you like to play a game? | |
| ChessGameManager | | manages multiple interfaces for a chess game | |
| Clock | | used to generate pulses and recurring messages | |
| Cron | | is a cron like service capable of scheduling future actions using cron syntax | |
| CsvConnector | | This service crawls a csv file and publishes each row as a document | |
| Database | | database - wrapper around jdbc access | |
| DatabaseConnector | | This service will run a select statement against a database and return the rows as documents to be published | |
| Deeplearning4j | | A wrapper service for the Deeplearning4j framework. | |
| DiscordBot | | Discord Bot Proxy for chatbot backend. | |
| DiyServo | | Controls a motor so that it can be used as a Servo | |
| Docker | | Docker service to manage docker containers | |
| DocumentPipeline | | This service will pass a document through a document processing pipeline made up of transformers | |
| DruppNeck | | InMoov Drupp Neck Service | |
| EddieControlBoard | | microcontroller designed for robotics | |
| Elasticsearch | | used as a general template | |
| Emoji | | used as a general template | |
| Esp8266 | | This connector will scan all the files in a directory and production documents | |
| Esp8266_01 | | ESP8266-01 service to communicate using WiFi and i2c | |
| FileConnector | | This connector will scan all the files in a directory and production documents | |
| FiniteStateMachine | | general service which can create and maintaine multiple finite state machines | |
| Git | | used to manage source code | |
| GoPro | | Go pro camera support | |
| GoogleCloud | | google api client service | |
| GoogleSearch | | used as a general google search | |
| Gps | | parses NMEA sentences coming in over a Serial service | |
| Hd44780 | | I2C LCD Display driver | |
| HtmlFilter | | This service will strip html markup from the input text | |
| HtmlParser | | html parser | |
| HttpClient | | a general purpose http client, used to fetch information on the web | |
| I2cMux | | Multiplexer for i2c to be able to use multiple i2c devices | |
| IBus | | IBus serial protocol | |
| ImageDisplay | | IBus serial protocol | |
| ImapEmailConnector | | This connector will connect to an IMAP based email server and crawl the emails | |
| InMoov2 | | InMoov2 Service | |
| InMoov2Arm | | the InMoov Arm Service | |
| InMoov2Hand | | an easier way to create gestures for InMoov | |
| InMoov2Head | | The inmoov2 head | |
| InMoov2Torso | | InMoov Torso | |
| IndianTts | | Hindi text to speech support - requires keys | |
| IntegratedMovement | | a 3D kinematics service supporting D-H parameters | |
| Intro | | Introduction to MyRobotlab | |
| InverseKinematics | | Inverse Kinematics | |
| InverseKinematics3D | | a 3D kinematics service supporting D-H parameters | |
| IpCamera | | control and video stream capture for generic ip camera | |
| JFugue | | service wrapping Jfugue, used for music and sound generation | |
| JMonkeyEngine | | is a 3d game engine, used for simulators | |
| JavaScript | | native jvm javascript engine, which allows execution of javascript through exec method | |
| Joystick | | service allows interfacing with a keyboard, joystick or gamepad | |
| KafkaConnector | | Provides a string/string consumer for a kafka topic. | |
| Keyboard | | keyboard interface | |
| KeyboardSim | | simulate keyboard interactions | |
| LeapMotion | | Leap Motion Service | |
| Lidar | | The Lidar Service - Light Detection And Ranging | |
| LidarVlp16 | | used as a general template | |
| Lloyd | | Lloyd an evolved InMoov. | |
| Lm75a | | LM75A Digital temperature sensor | |
| LocalSpeech | | Local OS text to speech ( tts.exe / say etc ... ) | |
| Log | | Logging Service helpful in diagnostics | |
| Mail | | SMTP ssl/tls service used for sending things | |
| MarySpeech | | Speech synthesis based on MaryTTS | |
| Maven | | service capable of building mrl locally | |
| MobilePlatform | | used to encapsulate many of the functions and formulas regarding 2 motor platforms encoders and other feedback mechanisms can be added to provide heading, location and other information | |
| Motor | | Motor service which supports 1 pwr pwm pin and 1 direction pin | |
| MotorDualPwm | | Motor service which support 2 pwr pwm pins clockwise and counterclockwise | |
| MotorHat4Pi | | Motor service for the Raspi Motor HAT | |
| MotorPort | | supports port related motor controllers such as the Sabertooth and AdaFruitMotorShield | |
| MouseSim | | simulate mouse interactions | |
| MouthControl | | Mouth movements based on spoken text | |
| Mpr121 | | MPR121 Touch sensor & LED Driver | |
| Mpu6050 | | General MPU-6050 acclerometer and gyro | |
| Mqtt | | This is an Mqtt client based on the Paho Mqtt client library. Mqtt is a machine-to-machine (M2M)/'Internet of Things' connectivity protocol. See http://mqtt.org | |
| MqttBroker | | This is an Mqtt client based on the Paho Mqtt client library. Mqtt is a machine-to-machine (M2M)/'Internet of Things' connectivity protocol. See http://mqtt.org | |
| MultiWii | | MultiWii interface | |
| MyoThalmic | | Myo service to control with the Myo armband | |
| NeoPixel | | Control a Neopixel hardware | |
| OculusDiy | | Service to receive and compute data from a DIY Oculus | |
| OculusRift | | The Oculus Rift Head Tracking Service | |
| OledSsd1306 | | OLED driver using SSD1306 driver and the i2c protocol | |
| OpenCV | | OpenCV (computer vision) service wrapping many of the functions and filters of OpenCV | |
| OpenNi | | OpenNI Service - 3D sensor | |
| OpenWeatherMap | | This service will query OpenWeatherMap for the current weather. Get an API key at http://openweathermap.org/ | |
| Osc | | Service for the Open Sound Control using the JavaOsc library | |
| Pcf8574 | | Pcf8574 i2c 8 pin I/O extender | |
| Pid | | A proportional integral derivative controller (Pid controller) commonly used in industrial control systems | |
| Pingdar | | used as a ultra sonic radar | |
| Pir | | PIR - Passive Infrared Sensor | |
| Polly | | Amazon speech synthesis - requires keys | |
| ProgramAB | | AIML 2.0 Reference interpreter based on Program AB | |
| Proxy | | used as a general template | |
| Python | | the Jython script engine compatible with pure Python 2.7 scripts | |
| RSSConnector | | This will crawl an rss feed at the given url and break apart the page into Documents | |
| Random | | provides a service for random message generation | |
| RasPi | | Raspberry Pi service used for accessing specific RasPi hardware like th GPIO pins and i2c | |
| Rekognition | | Amazon visual recognition cloud service | |
| Relay | | Relay used by an arduino | |
| RoboClaw | | interface for the powerful RoboClaw motor controller | |
| Roomba | | controls a Roomba robot through a blue-tooth serial port | |
| Ros | | interface to Ros | |
| Runtime | | is a singleton service responsible for the creation, starting, stopping, releasing and registration of all other services | |
| Sabertooth | | interface for the powerful Sabertooth motor controller | |
| Security | | used as a general template | |
| SegmentDisplay | | used as a general template | |
| SensorMonitor | | sensor monitor - capable of displaying sensor information in a crude oscilliscope fasion | |
| Serial | | reads and writes data to a serial port | |
| SerialRelay | | Relaying Serial data to a different serial port on mega Arduino | |
| Servo | | General hobby servo control with absolute positioning | |
| ServoMixer | | ServoMixer - most just a swing gui that allows for simple movements of all servos in one gui panel. | |
| Shoutbox | | shoutbox server | |
| SlackBot | | Slack Bot Proxy for chatbot backend. | |
| Solr | | Solr Service - Open source search engine | |
| Sphinx | | open source pure Java speech recognition | |
| Ssc32UsbServoController | | Lynxmotion usb 32 servo controller | |
| SwingGui | | Service used to graphically display and control other services | |
| TarsosDsp | | digital signal processing - used for audio effects, although it could have many other uses | |
| Tensorflow | | Tensorflow machine learning library from Google | |
| TesseractOcr | | Optical character recognition - the ability to read | |
| Test | | Testing service | |
| TestCatcher | | This service is used to test messaging | |
| TestThrower | | TestThrower is used with TestCatcher to test messaging | |
| ThingSpeak | | Service which can relay data to a ThingSpeak account | |
| TopCodes | | Topcodes finds visual references and identifiers | |
| Tracking | | tracks objects through video stream given a simple pan, tilt servo camera rig | |
| Twitter | | Service which can relay tweets | |
| UltrasonicSensor | | ranging sensor | |
| Updater | | used to manage updates | |
| VideoStreamer | | Video streaming service | |
| VirtualArduino | | virtual hardware of for the Arduino! | |
| VoiceRss | | VoiceRss speech synthesis service. | |
| WatchDogTimer | | used as a general template | |
| WebGui | | web display | |
| WebSocketConnector | | connect to a websocket | |
| WebXr | | WebXr allows hmi devices to add input and get data back from mrl | |
| Webcam | | used as a general webcam | |
| WebkitSpeechRecognition | | Speech recognition using Google Chrome webkit | |
| WebkitSpeechSynthesis | | Web speech api using Chrome or Firefox speech synthesis | |
| Wii | | Wii mote control and sensor info | |
| WiiDar | | WiiDar.... who dar? WiiDar! | |
| WikiDataFetcher | | This service grab data from wikidata website | |
| Wikipedia | | This service grab data from Wikipedia rest api | |
| WolframAlpha | | Run queries against wolfram alpha! | |
| WorkE | | the worke bot ! | |
| XMLConnector | | This is an XML Connector that will parse a large xml file into many small xml documents | |
| Xmpp | | xmpp service to access the jabber network | |
| YahooFinanceStockQuote | | This service will query Yahoo Finance to get the current stock price. more info @ https://developer.yahoo.com/yql/ | |
| _TemplateService | | used as a general template | |