Just set controller pin to switchOn/Off a relay like this one ...
[Todo : check if other controller can be used, like I2C things]
TODO : make PinControl interface - and make relay.attach(pincontrol)
Just set controller pin to switchOn/Off a relay like this one ...
[Todo : check if other controller can be used, like I2C things]
TODO : make PinControl interface - and make relay.attach(pincontrol)
######################################### # Relay.py # description: Relay used by an arduino # categories: home automation # more info @: http://myrobotlab.org/service/Relay ######################################### # start the service # port = "/dev/ttyUSB0" port = "COM15" # start optional virtual arduino service, used for test if ('virtual' in globals() and virtual): virtualArduino = runtime.start("virtualArduino", "VirtualArduino") virtualArduino.connect(port) relay = runtime.start('relay','Relay') arduino = runtime.start("arduino","Arduino") arduino.connect(port) relay.arduino=arduino relay.pin=8 relay.onValue=0 relay.on() sleep(2) relay.off()