The BoofCv service is a wrapper for the BoofCV open source Java library for real-time computer vision and robotics applications.
It has a lot more possibilities than what has been used in MRL so far.
If you use the example script, you can draw a rectangle in the videostream, and BoofCv will try to track that area.
does Boofcv work with the
does Boofcv work with the existing OpenCV filters?
does it work on the Raspberry Pi 3?
No, the OpenCv filters are specific for OpenCv ( I think ). I haven't tried BoofCv on the Pi yet, so I don't know. I'm just trying to go thru the services and create a servicpages for the services, that don't have one. BoofCv seems to be a very interesting project / service, and should get some more attention.
If you want to use the Kinect, you need to installl the freenect drivers.
Instructions can be found here: