Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Ahahah...  it should say "Virtual good times" ...  this is nice .. the virtual Arduino is now talking all the way back to the MRL Arduino  GOOD TIMES !  What does this mean?  virtual sensors? virtual events? ??? 


Next step in teaching InMoov some mooves! Using MRL/programAB and AIML.
He can learn and remember gestures combined with a motion name.
E.g. you create a gesture for saying "hello" and name it hello.
You can use multiple words for the name too, e.g. "raise your arms up".
Always in live-mode and always able to override spoken or typed values and names.
It's getting much more user friendly now. Specially if you choose to type.
Here he askes for all values at one time seperated by space.

Just a first experiment using Blenders Game Logic Physics to allow Virtual InMoov to interact with objects.


Hiscore :-

Worked out how to make cubes lie flat on surface


I have systematically an error when I try to attach a service to another, I' ve sent two different "no worky" logs.

Actually, I can't use any script with an  "attach"  method.

Thanks for helping me !



My first thought was a hex-a-pod I would pre-print...


I also considered each Scout making an InMoov head from the neck up, but printing time scares me ;-P

I am told we will have between 20 and 40 Scouts in the class, the goal is something educational and for each Scout to take home a robot. My buget is $180 max per Scout but they would like me to keep it around $120.


Having a weird problem since weeks. Up to version 1.0.80 all worky, version 1.0.81 to 1.0.95 the right arm servos are not getting attached. At least the way I used to do.

Back to the roots I made a simple Python script to go thru all limbs. My usual procedure is e.g.:

1. create right hand - 2. set min/max, rest, mapping - 3. start right hand ####please see Python script

This way it gets created, sets its values and starts. Perfect!