Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !


I want to turn on a LED when analog input from a photoresistor is under a certain value.I ve tried various tutos with addListener and publishPin but nothing happens.

To simplify the exercice I've  tried to print a single message when digital input on pin 22 changes...but nothing again  :-(

Thanks for helping

Here's MultiWii running in the same process and MRL. I put in a couple serial hooks where I thought messages were going to go back and forth..  I was pretty surprised in that I thought you could control a quad copter with this program, but it looks like its primarily for reading telemetry & tuning your quad

Hello im working for the first time with myrobotlab which seams to be a tool without limits.

as an beginner i have some problems to understnad the working of some code to modifie it right

im working with the code all works great.

This is just for info to bring attention to the possibility of using a Kinect sensor as a direction sound source finder.

It appears that the Kinect has a 4 microphone array on board, from what I gather one purpose is to cancel out background noises.

As the picture shows above its able to do differential sound location.

I've tried connecting up the center tap of the servo pot to an analog input of the arduino and measured it with the oscope of MRL.  fun...


here's some images of the with and without the ground line connected.. i'll leave it up to you to see which is which.  (I was manually turning the pot myself.. watching what happened on the analog input pin 0 of the arduino that i connected up...)