Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Now Everyone has their personal script library.  Just click on your user profile picture - and you'll see the new list of files you currently have on github.

In the near future, I'll be making a "new file" button which will allow MRL users the capability of posting new files with a single clicky !

Rigged up my latest Control Panel > 16 analoges > propeller >pyserial >Blender >virtual InMoov.

Working bits so far (ie. one control analoge to each of the below):-


I'm trying to control an arduino servo using kinect in MRL, but OpenNI won't work, here's what it says after i launch the openNI service :

I've sent the noworky file.

Thanks in advance


If I remember correctly the depth map is converted to signed ints for convienence - I don't remember their min or max values .. I don't think I used SimpleOpenNI (middle middle) software before either - so don't know if they put on any parts :P

But what I DO know is that this should be improved.