Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Install Eclipse

  • Download Eclipse Indigo for Java SE developers.
  • Unpack tar into ~/
    • Create shortcut on desktop that points at /home/myuser/eclipse/eclipse
  • Install Eclipse Software:
    • Git
    • Subclipse
    • ADT-Plugin (Android)

Download MRL source

Assumes workspace used is "~/workspace"

Yay, I finally got syntax highlighting to work @ the MRL site !  Woohoo...  Now I just have to make some buttons in the editor which will allow injection of Python or Java ...   
Thanks Alex Gorbatchev for a very sweet Javascript brush library !

Javadoc link
Example code (from branch develop):
# description: Service used to graphically display and control other services
# categories: display
# more info @:
# start the service
gui = runtime.start('gui','SwingGui')
# start a new service
python2 = runtime.start('python2','Python')
# focus service
Example configuration (from branch develop):
listeners: null
peers: null
type: SwingGui

This service allows other services control features to be displayed.  It is the service which you "see" when you start MyRobotLab.  It is set to start automatically when one of the scripts "myrobotlab.bat,, jython.bat, or" are run.

It provides a service tab for other services.  With its own tab it provides a map of message routes and icons of currently running services.




No additional hardware is needed for this tutorial

The MRLClient is a client adapter which allows other Java programs to interoperate with MyRobotLab.  Although the myrobotlab.jar can be included and used in a Java program directly, it may sometimes be desirable to communicate over the network with an adapter.

The MRLClient jar is a small binary which uses the network to send and recieve messages to a running MyRobotLab instance.  Other network adapters could be created for languages besides Java, but currently only Java is supported.

Whoa.. it all became clear now.  The folks who created the first Arduino IDE, gutted Processing and changed the "export to applet" to compile & upload to an Arduino board.  That is why there are so many Java file references and other applet related amalgams.  Time to hack & stich it up more !

Release Notes

This page will document the new features and functions of each release.  If you want notification of updated releases subscribe or comment on this page and you will get notifications of changes via email.

Releases can be found here :



 Here the soccor game is developing.  
 It is using AJAX & JSON to accept browser messages.
 There is an embedded flash video feed (no special
  plugin required !)

Register Services

How one instance of MyRobotLab makes contact with another instance.

If MyRobotLab is running on two different machines, they have the capability of contacting one another and sharing resources.