Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Hi All,

My name is bharath . I am from India . I started to see myrobotlab quite exciting . I am trying to run different services. I am using the opencv. In that service I want to open a static image. I followed the class files of myrobotlab . I got the reference from below link…

Now I am tring to run the following code , It is showing the following error . I am also new to jython. You can feel free to point out the problem 





So i've adapted/improved the source code that someone post on the InMoov website that lets you control a robothand with leapmotion, its working pretty decently but i have an issue where memory keeps increasing, as if there was a memory leak, here is the source code :

Is it a python memory leak or Java ? 

Thanks in advance.

Update 20150119..... Inverse Kiematics

Placing bones inside VinMoov is now paying off...means very easy control over movements, also its possible to record the movements.

Above you can see I have placed a money head as the "Handle", only the left middle finger is attached to it, wherever you take the monkey the rest of the bone chain follows.

Each joint can be separately stiffened to allow for realistic movements.

updated software so scooter can move around by its self. It spins around every 20 deg. and takes a measurements with the left and right ping sensor. Software figures out first longest distance and then drives there. It move 10 inches and checks the I/R sensors to see if anything is in the way. Updated scooter software uploaded, video on youtube search "myrobotlab scooter 3"