Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Guys just posted my main script for DeathInvoke to follow, ofcourse can be hellpfull for other people, the easiest way is to start top to bottom adding stuff and see if everything works


Hi all ! I'm starting working on opencv, I need to read lot of documentations of course,it is so big.  But is the method I used is the way to do ?


I use the main loop of published onOpenCVData and intercept the boundarybox data of the facefilter

This should be very simple for many of you guys, but since I didn't create the faceTracking service, I am swimming far from offshore to reach the coast.

So, here is what I'm trying to do:


This is a question to the community about what is needed regarding custom messaging to and from MrlComm.   Any references of this being used, or requirements, or suggestions would be appreciated.

Part of this is describing what kind of interface or methods are needed (if any more) and also the msg size - potentially if we have a byte msg structure we (almost) can have msg size == 255 vs 64



So to make it short.

I found a free French Open Source chat bot which contains a lot of possibilities based on ALICE2.0.

The problem is that all the AIML files are encoded in "ISO-8859-1"

Therefore when I use French with WebKitRecognition it doesn't work correctly and takes only the default answers.


Here is how the AIML are looking like:

Update: OpenSCAD and STL files have been posted to github for those who want to try it out!

It's worky!  Testing out Mats new DIY Servo service.  This uses a 3D set of printed gears, a 12V DC motor, an LN298N dual hbridge motor controller and a 10k ohm linear trim rotary potentiometer.  Woohoo,  the power of PID controls you!  The power of PID controls you!