Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Control & Controller (aka DeviceControl & DeviceController) are a recurring patterns in MRL.
Control represents an interface for other consumers (e.g. ServoControl).  
Controller manages a resource (e.g. Arduino).

"Attach" is the ubiquitous concept of joining the two together.  The Lego Snap ! (e.g. ear.attach(mouth)).


Is it possible to disable myrobotlab.log because i don't used it and it is dangerous for my SSD disque.

Thank you



I would like to know if it is possible to add libraries to python in myrobotlab.

Example: the feedparser library and the Snap7 library.

If possible, could someone give me the procedure for installation

System: Windows 7

Myrobotlab 1.0.1758 Lamiak


Thank you in advance for your help




J’aimerai savoir si il est possible d’ajouter des librairie au python dans myrobotlab.

Exemple : la librairie feedparser  et la librairie Snap7.

...complete newbie to MyRobotLab...

I have the Adafruit16CServoDriver working, now I am looking to try getting Tracking working with Adafruit16CServoDriver but am not getting anywhere.  I have tried everything I can think of, but can't get anything to work.  Is the PCA9685 PWM controller a lost cause for InMoov?

I was hoping for a simpler/cheaper alternative to using the NervoBoard and consuming all the pins on the Arduino...


I am new to my robotlab and I am building an Inmoov with my soon.

I have looked at the Inmoov chat bot and they all seam to use Chrome because of the microphone.

This is enoying because it will not work without an internet connexion. 

Are they anyway to use some other service ?


Hey guys. My Jaw seems to just clench shut with this code:  Am I missing something?


I am trying to incorporate some color into my Inmoov so I started messing around with NeoPixels, I have a rwo of 10 LEDS wired up. When i use the arduino libraries to test the strip it works fine. But when I use the neopixel service and attatch the LEDs no matter what the first 2 LED light bright white and then nothing happens. If i change the anitmation then another LED will light white up to 4 LEDs then nothing happens after that. 


Any thoughts? 

Now I can use my Xbox controller as joystick (thanks to Markus), I also want to catch a key click from my keyboard.
First I did try to use the keyboard service, but this only works when the button of this service has focus and  could nog figure out how to solve this.
So, as an alternative, I now try to use the joystick service for this purpose. 
It works great, but again focus is a problem.