Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Well, I was a bit intimidated on soldering Junior's mouth. I have been putting it off but it was time to give it a try. I used these little boards that fit perfectly in his mouth. I tried soldering across a whole row, that went terribly, the rest went only marginally better. I had a bit of a successful response when I tested it initially, but now nothing... so now I am pouting and going to watch Chappie for a little inspiration. Hmmm, can't seem to paste the link to the YouTube video... Guess my luck still hasn't changed...

Persistence is worth while

I'm getting the following, I had to place the following two in the INO, Thank you for any help
#include <Servo.h>
#include <Wire.h>
Arduino: 1.7.11 (Windows 8.1), Board: "Arduino Uno"
C:\Users\RICHAR~1.RAM\AppData\Local\Temp\build7154419150840489924.tmp/core.a(main.cpp.o): In function `main':

So I have created or modified various AIML to ty things into InMoov, but this one is giving me trouble.

I made all kinds of tests, but everytime I get something that doesn't work.


Starting out. very New.

Tested Audio and microphone. When I setup the miccrophone in Chrome as per YT videos there are not the same options as in the older versions (v35....) Cannot get ok google listen option.

This is in response to wkinnes question about how to save your work in MRL.

The best way to save your work is by creating a Python script, because they can be saved. The GUI is good for playing around with as a beginner, but not really a good way to get a permanent result.   

The generic way to start a service from a python script is like this.

arduino1 = Runtime.createAndStart("arduino one","Arduino")

Hi this is what I use to give the chatbot some learning capacities:

It's a WIP

3 things:

Short time memory:

I used <topic> tag and <set> vars

They are temporary informations that are used only, example to turn on specific subject of conversation

<think><set name="topic">SPEAKABOUTROBOTS</set></think>

Set the conversation subject to SPEAKABOUTROBOTS

So all the AIML into

Hello is there a posibility to save data in realtime in AIML?
I spend lot of time by search and write a lot of aiml but if I turn off the myrobotlab and start it again all the data is lost. 

Hi all can you help me :

My camera ( Lifecam HD 3000 ) is not detected in mrl / opencv

When I start the capture the video widget didnt show up

And open cv give me an error