Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Hi ! I have some problems to poll analog pins

Before I used :

right.addListener("publishPin", "python", "publishPin")

def publishPin(pin):
  print, pin.value

analogReadPollingStart no worky anymore


So I try that :

can someone tell me what "cannot get device id for servo " means? or bad magicnumber 246 or unknown serial event 38.  I open up a new arduino and servo service ,connect the arduino to the correct port I've got MRLComm version 39 installed it lights up green sayin it is connected but doesnt work. I'm using version 1691 myrobotlab.I'm lost on this one,I've tried looking for the answer so now I'm asking for help,Thanks

Hello I have another problem with AIML, i need to start browser but the aiml is starting they say starting google after I say launch browser and nothing is open. I try on many ways, and past few days of writening i can't do the correct code.
Here is the sample code of aiml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

hello guys i use the roll neck with servos not hacked, 

in 1412 i used this script with sucess


A very nice way to use MRL from the phone is to use the webgui. But you must have access to a WiFi network for this to work. ( Not really. But you must be able to reach the host where MRL is running from your phone, could be anywhere in the world ).

1. Make sure that your instance of MRL running with the WebSpeechRecognition and the WebGui started. For example you can use this script. It starts a chatbot. with sound input and output. You don't need any servos or anything else to make this work So you can try it without any extra hardware: 

Thanks to my friends on mrl I got inmoov3full working some what today . I made more progress today than i did in the past month . I am editing inmoov3deep for my servos . Which is a huge accomplishment for me , I have next to no programming skills , and am just so excited to be as far as I am today . This is my first blog post ever . lol

I am attempting to get my InMoov head connected to the oculus, but the documentation is pretty old. I followed kwatters' tutorial, but have not been able to get it working.

Do I need the oculus sdk or runtime installed on my computer for the MRL service to work? If so, do I need to download an old version or will the latest version work?