Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

[don't know how to delete the post]


This post to list what we can do with the MaryTTS service in MRL.

I just discover it, there is a lot of interresting things

AudioEffets ( great tool to tweak the voice ) :

mouth.setAudioEffects() ->


Download voices

installSelectedLanguagesAndVoices() ->

What is a good tool for editing AIL files? I am ust a beginner so I do not need a full development suite. I would prefer ease of use at this point. I use IDLE for my python work and I like the way it highlights the different functions in colors. It doesn't do the same for the AIML files so I am looking for something like that. 

Any suggestions?


How can i used GoogleSpeech ? Do you have an example for this service ?

Thank you


AcapellaSpeech is out of usage since yesterday, due to restrictions on the demo mode.

Because we need a speaking robot, I will try to use MarySpeech service instead of AcapellaSpeech service.

So I run a simple script like this:

inmoovTest = Runtime.createAndStart("inmoovTest", "ProgramAB")
inmoovTest.startSession("ProgramAB", "gael", "inmoovTest")
mouth = Runtime.createAndStart("i01.mouth", "MarySpeech")

I am trying to develop some new services, one for the Snowboy wakeword engine (only supported on Linux currently), and one for Amazon Alexa. I have the basic idea, but am having problems getting mrl setup in Eclipse. After I clone the project and I try to run it, Eclipse says "Cannot find or load main class org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime". I've tried adding the bin directory to the runtime classpath, but that only causes complaints about not being able to find the libraries in the repo, which I have alson cloned.