some rss feed script for myrobotlab? I found this script but I do not know what library is added
Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !
You can see my project here :
For the moment, Activator arduino software is based on MrlComm version 40. I modify MrlComm.cpp and .h
Hello I'm the guy with my Verbot IA chatterbot. But this is not the subject here. I would like to use almost everywhere normal engines as indicated in this demo.
In the last version (43), i not found GetCustomMsg function.
getCustomMsgSize() exist.
Hi All, I'm sure this is a standard issue but I've searched the forums and can't seem to find a solution. I use an Arduino Mega and have successfully used it to learn the basics of Python, LED, motors, servo's etc. I wanted to use MRL spefically to power Inmmov. I have downloaded MRL and followed all the instructions I can. Whatever version of MRL jar I use I always seem to have the same issue.
Here's a nice Instructable I thought was worth posting.
The big software companies (Amazon, Google, Microsoft) are all working hard and providing Cloud Robotic Services for the new world. In this tutorial he does a complete build out with a very interesting omni-microphone & raspi.
For Backend services Amazon has free developer use cloud services. I like Moz4r's idea of a distributed MRL cloud services.
Why can't you used the windows text to speech ?
it is local and free.
MMMmm, hi ! Just an idea to discute about.
MRLcloudServer can be used , exemple to :
- USE MULTIPLE TTS WEBSERVICES TO CACHE ( high availability and better lantency )
- VERSION CHECKING ( if mrlclient or script is outdated and broken )
What do you think about this architecture about tts :
This is a tip to have MRL mouthcontrol worky with external mp3 and maryTTS
( waiting something cleaner : other acapela service or maryTTS audioplay or mouthcontrol in audioplay )
add this at the top of your script :
AudioFile = Runtime.createAndStart("AudioFile", "AudioFile")
and this is to play the sound with mouthcontrol
As everybody, i must switch to MarySpeech ! But i get an error :(
I've put all voices jar in MRL/libraries/jar and to be sure in MRL/Mary/lib . I've also put the voice folder in mary/lib folder .
here is the code i've run :