Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !
def headleft():

Future Of Servo Speed Control

This will be the future !  Please be part of it .. thumbs up or thumbs down - if thumbs down state why.. WHOOHOO ! - this is what I have so far....

Hi everybody,

I'm working to make Sweety printable . You've already saw the new head, here is the new arms and hand :

This part hold the five servos (9g) for the fingers .



If you try to install MRL on later versions you will get this type of error and the logfile will fill up very quickly. 
My logfile went to 1.5 G in just a few seconds.
16:45:23.670 [webgui] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscribe [python/p
ublishState ---> webgui/onState]
16:45:23.795 [New I/O worker #7] INFO c.m.s.WebGui [] POST /api/m
16:45:23.796 [New I/O worker #7] INFO c.m.f.Service [] subscrib


I get an error in eclipse for the file,
Invalid character constant    ->    /myrobotlab/src/org/myrobotlab/maryspeech/util    line 592   

If i've right , this line :

Just an exemple on how to give some human moovement like


Main script i have 

randomGesture = True
if randomGesture:
    randomEyeLid = True


in gesture python scripts i got:

[WIP status] :

- gestures integration
- Spanish translation
- Automatic attachement/detachement with the help of autoattach()
- Chatbot corrections


Because standardization is the key of great things this base community script is born.

Hi All, I have now managed to get the Arduino to talk to MRL properly, I can run the minimal script and the audo works fine, the Arduino flashes away but the servo refuses to moves. I have the control pin on PIN 3 of the Arduino as suggested in the script, the Sliders do not operate the server either. Tried several servos, what do you think I am missing here folks - Thanks