Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

some primer paint..



I ripped apart a kinect and will intergrate im chest, printed chest part, to fill the gap, where kinect was





We can change the language for speak but not for listen . So our robots can speak english, french, italian, etc ...

But they understand only english because sphinx add only english dictionnary . I thinked just edit the path for the french file in "ear.xml" but i've seen that the english dictionnary is in a jar file . So it could be a good thing to have a function " sphinx.set langage() " that search in a mrl subdirectory to find the good file and set "ear.xml" .

Took care of most of the last part .. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE !!!

Here's the latest log I took from the "Agent" - who did a test on every Service (excpet for OpenNI, Runtime, InMoov, CLI, & Test) ...…

3 Megs of logs and lots and lots of ERRORS ! ..  since these tests were pretty simplistic .. most errors probably have to do with problems with serialization and beginning problems with Arduino connectivity !


(makes bigger stronger MRL!)

Hey Everyone,
This update from my end has been due since a while, but exhibiting the chess board at various events and managing sutdies leave me short of time. 
After Returing from Maker Faire, Rome, November was little slow due to our exams.