Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Hi guys, meanwhile thanks Grog to update XMPP service with a new server on 

Now is it possible communicate with your robot in a chat similar to WhatsApp and other like.

To use this ther are many client:

This is the script to use ProgramAB and XMPP to create a chatbot. To register on server contact Grog or reply on this post



In some relation with Kevin's work with InMoov kinematics I finally managed to create a python script that calculates the x,y,z position of the palms and the head in realation to the body's midcenter rotation point and set's the neck and rothead servo to point the eyes at the hand.

The video:  

Hey guys... I've been working for a while on this app to use as a bridge between Myo and an Arduino with a Bluetooth Low energy module...

In the video you can see how the myo connects to the app using the myo sdk.. but the turn off feature is not included in the SDK.. so i had to use directly the bluetooth protocol to shut it down.

One of the things that's difficult in face identification is eliminating noise.   In most pictures, the noise is in the background.    A simple oval mask can eliminate much of the noise that's not part of the face.   This mask assumes the faces are already centered in the frame.

This was just a quick test of the new Xmpp server running @
I tried the service with Google, and they now do not accept connections Booo ! :(
But  I am currently running an Xmpp server which allows the Xmpp MRL service to connect and send/recieve messages.

Hi guys, today I talked about WhatsApp on MyRobotLab but it's impossible and I was advised to use XMPP service. Now, I've a problem, I don't found a service to use this, Google Talk was replaced from Hangouts and it don't support XMPP, I search also for Telegram and other but nothing.
Please, could you help me? Thanks in advance


GroG could you take a look at this

when you have the time

i need some setSampleRate on serial1 and serial2

i don't know how to code it

is this even possible on a serial port?

it would be nice if you could help me

I thought I do a quick post to describe some of the updates & refactoring I did with AudioFile.

I believe previously most of the Speech Synthesis systems would inaccurately publish events because they did not directly hook into the events of the AudioFile playing of files.