Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

As you can see in the picture, he's mortified about my lack of programming skills! 

I have taken his arm apart again since the video as a part cracked. Damn 3D printers!  



I am a beginer with myrobotlab.

The runtime myrobotlab stopped when I want to add the rutime service "LeapMotion 2"

In the log file I can find this:


myrobotlab.1328.20130603.2216/.myrobotlab/smith.json does not exist

Can you tell me how to solve this?



Hi folks,

I am trying to use Sphinx with InMoov. I beleive I have set everything up correctly, but Sphinx does not seem to be listening/understanding what I say?

I an running on Ubuntu and using the "sound settings" I can see that the OS is hearing a signal when I speak, but how can I debug what is going on (or not going on)?

The voice just keeps saying "did you say...." every few minutes.



I have recently begin to play with myrobotlab to use with my inMoov and I'm really impressed with all the possibility this program allow. So I bow to the conceptor/developer of this program, it`s really an amazing work
This week-end I found out about the face recognizer filter for opencv and that will be very cool when it do this or that. I understand this is new stuff and this is still a lot to do
So, with a goal to understand better how myrobotlab is working, I have try to use that face recognition filter with my inMoov.

I have to admitt I am a bit confused about all the popping up services about speech.


Could anyone provide a short description about the use and how they are supposed to work together?

A standard script that starts up InMoov, listens to a command given on a local/remote system and talks including mouth control would be very welcome.