Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

In the examples with spinx I found it nice to be able to specify the accepted commands and that InMoov is asking back whether it understood my command correctly.

How can I set programAB up to the same behaviour?

hey hello every-body it is a  long time i haven't here

it is because i build my platform with my robot

it is a prototype with cardboard for see my mistake and after i build it

now i need to programme now and i need help if some people want help me welcome



can someone please help me with a python for programAB with speech recogntion and speech

I would ike to start a new aproach for making the following functions available in the InMoov service:



There has been some talk about kinematics for InMoov in the forum but afaik not an agreement or complete description of:
- center point
- agreement of directions to use
- definition of distances
- chain of links

I used programAB + webkitspeechrecognition to call these methods. I am on my way to utilizing my chatbot to control Inmoov entirely.

Thank you Grog for helping me to figure out passing the response text to my jaw moving script.

Hello everybody!

My name is Antonino and my students and I are building a InMoov robot in our secondary school. We have built the head and everything works properly. Now we are trying that Inmoov speaks Spanish. Inmoov can speak in English in webgui and MaryTTS but we would like our robot to speak Spanish.

Is it possible?

Thank you very much


  Hello, in first lines i want to say thanks to all developers of myrobotlab, great work!

I have a question about Raspberry Pi2 and Adafruit16Channel HAT, i downloaded latest release of MyRobotLab from github, in raspbian, i started it by java -jar myrobotlab.jar, but in runtime tab i not found Adafruit16Channel PWM, only AdafruitMotorShield and other..

How to control servos with Adafruit16Channel HAT (Raspberry) with MyrobotLab, sorry for my bad english.

have a nice day!

hey Grog and everyone!

I asked the question yesterday if I could pass the text from htmlfilter to a method in my script. Grog you mentioned using subscribe. Well... I cant figure it out. :(   Below is my code with the 'talk' method at the bottom that I want to pass the htmlfilter text to. My end game is to get the jaw to move while speaking the alice responses.  am i looking at this all wrong?