Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

HI ! before I start to code tell me if it's not useless  : custom touchscreen interraction with MRL ( simple webviews and local media players api )

Somewhere in the python script, on event  > PLAY fullscreen video / PLAY MP3 / Open picture / GRAB some WWW data / ...

Maybe I can interact between MRL and this External Custom GUI with some python html parser from htmllib ?
or i have more crappy if i can't do that because python doen"t like me ! : os.system ( cmd )

output :

Hello everybody!

I have a problem with the jaw. I am not able to get that the jaw moves when inmoov speaks. 

This is my code that I have modified from different people.

I now have most off the InMoov head and torso printed and I can move each servo in turn by connecting it to a single channel of my Arduino. I am now ready to run the head service but I want to add some features - articulated neck, individual x control of the eyes, drive some LEDS and maybe even add a tongue control? What's the best way to do this, do I have to download and compile everything or can I somehow overload the default service with my own?