Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

In the past whenever I have installed MRL on a Raspberry Pi or even in Windows, I would create a dirctory MRL, copy the myrobotlab.jar file into that director, then open a terminal window and navigate to the directory.

From there I would run the command:

java -jar myrobotjab --install

After some time, particularly on a new build with a fresh OS image, the program would finish and leave me at the command prompt.
Launching then without the --install would start MRL up with all the services installed.

Notes for when running on the Raspberry Pi with the Rasbian Buster OS.
When using Java 11 OpenJDK, you may find the audio from the Text To Speech coming out the HDMI port instead of the selected 3.5mm Audio socket on the side of the Raspberry Pi.
This is caused by Pulse Audio not following the requested settings and routing the audio from the Java apps to a different output, the HDMI like it or not.
The solution is to edit the Java file.

Got the same problem with speech recognition as mentioned in another topic. Mic status is always changing between ready and not ready. After a few seconds MRL shows an error: Too many events.

I would like to go around speech recognition and control my robot with written commands. How I can do this?


I am new to myrobotlab and the forum. My first question is how and where can I search for topics in the forum? There is no field to enter a subject I am looking for.

For some reason the noworky would'nt send from my mrl so here it is:


downloaded and installed latest version 1.1.497

changed "service_5_Mouth.config" :


     VoiceName=Pavel    //  also tried    VoiceName=0    VoiceName="Microsoft Pavel - Russian (Russia)"

BUT recieved error:

15:01:46.555 [python] ERROR c.m.f.Service [] i01.mouth error could not set voice Pavel - valid voices are


MPU6050 Controller  OS ver  MRL ver Pi4J ver
Raspi 3 No Worky Buster 1.1.446 1.2
Raspi 4 No Worky