Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !


I want to write a aiml file from scratch...

i have tried some things but i keep getting the same answer from programab.

it still says "i have no anwer to that"

Can someone please help me?




Since I am not using te Lenovo I need to cover the hole. Needs a bit of tweaking but comng along nicely. I'll post it up to Thingiverse.

Here's some pics of the first attempts.


Hello, has anyone that is on seen a MRL service for running OLED displays via I2C and a follow up question has anyone written anything to use an i2c multiplexer? I am currently experimenting with the sad1306_128x64_i2c code from adafruit but would like to be able to control them from a service in MRL biggest issue I am running two OLED displays with the same i2c address, thus the need for the i2c multiplexer

So,  I've been watching James Bruton's build of the GNK droid on his Patreon campeign.  I was quite impressed with it and I think he has some great ideas.  Turns out parallelograms are an interesting choice for legs. By stacking 2 parallelograms on top of each other you can create a leg with a hip, knee and ankle.  Regardless of the angle of each of the joints, the orientation of the hip and knee and ankle will always be parallel to the ground.  Pretty awesome.  So..

Hello this is my first post, My name is Bart an I have a little problem. I designed articulating neck with 2 Y servos. But in i01.Head is only one Y servo for tracking. Is there possible to getY position from one OpenCV tracking? I write many of codes and I have always two OpenCV each one for each servo. Sorry for my english I hope that You undestand me. 3 Servo Y and 2 Servo X is for Eyes and Head Tracking.


I get some problem with sweety's servos . They stopped to work ! I've tried the latest version of MRL with eclipse.

With an arduino duemilanove , all work as expected but with the arduino mega, i get the error "servo error servo's controller is not set" in eclipe log .

Arduino serial from mrl say :


I have recently make many change on the Servo speed control to have a method that don't change the speed with modification to MRLComm or load on it and that are backyard compatibable with scripts users currently had. Sorry if it cause some confusion on the way. I writing this post to clear out how to use it

there is 3 methods relate to the speed control
