Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

A short video showing how to upload MRLComm.ino to the Arduino using the Arduino IDE.

It is also possible to upload it using the WebGui, but I prefer to do it this way, since it's easier to understand what's happening.



Hello all.

I currently have only one Arduino installed. I am not currently using any of the torso functions so I would like to reassing those pins on the Nervo board to control the 4 servos for the right shoulder and bicep.At least I can move the right arm then.

Can someone tell me how to do this. I am an amatuer programmer at best so you may have to be specific with a chunk of code and telling me where to put it.


Thanks guys!


A short video showing how to upload MRLComm.ino to the Arduino using the Arduino IDE.

It is also possible to upload it using the WebGui, but I prefer to do it this way, since it's easier to understand what's happening.

Sometimes java applications take more than the default allocated amount of memory that is provided to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).  It's important to note that just because your computer has 2 GB of RAM, java will only ever use what it's told it can.  By default a java process allocates 256MB of RAM, often times this is not enough and must be increased.  Otherwise you will likely see an error message/exception that looks similar to this:

InMoov is controlled by the software MRL okSeveral persons from InMoov said it would be possible to place/insert the AI engine of Verbot alongside  AIML.

I have some problem with the servo speed control

In the previous version of MRLComm (less than 1412), the speed control was adding some delay (skip on the main loop) before incrementing the position toward the target position. This will create:

We want a simple method to get battery level if it exists on a system regardless if its Linux, Windows, or Mac OSX.

Turns out this is pretty messy as part of it relies on the OS vendor and part is really low-level hardware implementation details.  But I thought I got all 3 major operating systems covered.

I tested Windows 7  64 bit & Linux Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit - was all worky, but Gael had different results :(

What do you get ?

Calamity and me started a discussion about letting InMoov get a bit of autonomy.

Found the shiffman youtube series of kinect data captering very interesting.

Based on the Markus video where his InMoov tried to hit a light switch I came up with the idea to have a movable InMoov try to open a door (european door handle, not a turning knob)

To make the task a bit easier I thought we could help with one or more optical tags on the handle to enable us to calculate pitch, yaw and roll of the handle.