Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !


I would absolutly be grateful for just a bit of help to push me in the right direction.

I would like to read the data from this sensor

connected to an arduino uno. Can someone give me some example code to help me along?

I have the uno successfully connected to MRL and have been able to control a servo with the service so I have things correctly connected.

Saw Ray post this - to me looks like a nice mini Boston Dynamics Nightmare ... very nice

Hello all,

Sorry for my bad english.

when i start in virtual Mode all is ok, but when i start the rigt Side the Error apairs.

I have a problem when starting mrl, when he open the  Java Page and try to run the Arduino Port, then it close

direct. I dont now wy. I install all new and it is the same. The i have allready load whitout any Problem. I can not send a noworky, the Page close and nothing else. When anybody can help my i can send the Log File here.


Regards Detlef

Here's a quick mock-up of the RasPi service UI.
Having a pin out reference I always find useful ...  can prevent blue smoke sometimes :)
Alexinator40 and Ray have been suggesting a generalized I2C interface.  I think components from the Serial service can provide a UI which allows for generalized reads and writes to devices on an I2C bus.
The buttons on the right would be just to read and write GPIO pins..

Ahoy !

Now with OpenCV stuff merged on the develop branch - the branch I'm working with is closer to develop.
The largest amount of change on it that is different has to do with Motors and MotorControllers.

Motors in the past always required a direct reference to a controller.  

I don't think this is a very good design.