Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !


Here's my first successful test, I've got the tank up on blocks at the moment.

There does seem to have a bit of a wire management problem.


To more easily understand - this is how MRL currently does subscribptions

A possible enhancement would allow references or static values to be mapped into the subscription / publication route.

Like this :

Javadoc link
Example code (from branch develop):
# start the service
inversekinematics = runtime.start("inversekinematics","InverseKinematics")

This service allows the calculation of inverse kinematics for a (n) degrees of freedom robot arm, mounted on a rotating base..

Insert your point coordinates (x,y,z) and your rods length, and it will calculate angles of rods and base in order to reach that point

TODO : send calculated angles to arduino service and servos service


Small but relevant success.  I managed to connect all  the pieces together and get the Adafruit 16 channel Servo test to work with 1 servo.  Now to borg it into MRL :)


   I am working on some demonstration scripts for my InMoov robotic hand.  Having not had good success with voice input I wanted to create a simple python script that would call some movement routines.

When I tried the standard: python raw_input('Enter Command: ')   approach

I get the following:

File "<string>", line 2, in <module>