Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

So I'm new to my robot lab but I've been tinkering around with it for a while. I've noticed that after I updated my MRL version that my arduino doesn't respond to changes in the arduino service when I try to set the outputs for any of the pwm pins. It seems that the service isn't even telling the arduino to output through these pins because the rx indicator light doesn't blink when I update the values. I'm not sure if this is just a case of my version or if its no worky. Any insight would be greatly appreciated 

After wasting about an 45 minutes on looking for and unsuccessfully running virtual null modem software packages, I gave up and looked for how to do it on Linux.  I knew it had to do with pty (psuedo terminals) and socat .. but I did not know the correct setup.

Hey Friends,

Since a few days I have been exploring MRL and I want to use it for my project which is similar to a Chess Robot made with MRL.

I wil be having an Arduino Mega connected to the PC.

I plan the communication to happen as follows:

Arduino Board > (serial communication) > Chess Engine in MRL

Chess Engine in MRL > (serial communication) > Arduino Board

(the data being sent/received will be chess moves)

After unsuccessfullly seaching the internet for a mjpeg test source, I "finally" came to the realization I can use 1 instance of MRL to test another :)

Heh, this is always fun - and has potential ...  I've started MRL and opened a local file for the source (I would have used my laptop's camera but a windows update took out the driver :P )

hi i've had a go at making some changes to some services and making one my self, but i don't know where to go from here . iv attach all the files iv made changes to.

Javadoc link

The IP Camera service allows a video feed from a mjpeg source. At the moment, it also allows control of a Foscam pan / tilt camera using the Foscam API.

This can be used to get image data from an IPCamera to OpenCV, however, it is also possible to use OpenCV directly.  OpenCV has an IPCamera framegrabber which will decode the source of an mjpeg server on the internet.


hello im having problems with the facedetect filter in opencv,  soon as I press capture it exits to desktop.

most of the other filters seem to be working  but havn't tried them all yet.




JQuery is a powerful Javascript framework I will be using in the new WebGUI. It is rather trivial to switch pre-made themes for it and skin it to your liking..  Here are a few I've looked at with the beginnings of the Arduino Oscope.