Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Just making a post for those that aren't on the shout box.  We now have a skype group for collaborating and discussing MRL/InMoov and other related topics.



Add me on skype and in the message box, just say MRL:<username here> so that I know who you are.  my skype is 'samuel.presgraves'




This is just to keep some references in order to make a better shoutbox AI.

Currently MRL has a CleverBot but, I'm a bit underwhelmed by its dialog.  
I was thinking I'd like to have maybe a "little" funner interface to Wolfram Alpha ... at least you could get good information from it, like the current weather forcast in your area.

Hey Grog, I've been away on work and havent had a lot of time to finish printing my robot, but I had a really cool idea today.  I have been planning on giving legion(my inmoov) a 256GB SSD, to accompany the computer I'm using.  I know as of today, the MRL suite is only about 400MB, but I was curious if you know of a way to get MRL "learning".  I was thinking of starting with something like a CSV or tab separated chart that listed things like name, alias, birthday, favorite food, common interest, hobbies, etc.

The following will dump all the data to the python tab (print it) from the default urban dictionary site.
You might want to find a site which delivers just simple text or parse out the joke or part of interest.

Make sure you have the HTTPClient service installed.


from java.lang import String
http = Runtime.createAndStart("http","HTTPClient")
print String(http.get(";))

to day i going for the fist time maker faire 2014 paris

i can see INMOOV and for the fist time gael and aless

they was very busy and they was take 5 minutes about there time for speaking whith me

i was very happy to meet this guy's very sympathique

but 15euros i think to much expensive

but maker faire is very interesting i love it

Well Inmoov Rob has had to endure two shoulder rebuilds and cleanings after his 800 mile trip to Virginia.

I had Rob setting in the back seat with his arms crossed and a seat belt on.

Well it appears that PLA and closed cars do not mix. After setting Rob up  all kinds of crap went on.

Had to take apart both arms at the shoulder reheat PLA and Get the gear boxes sealed up.

So lesson learned and hope to get rob back up and running this evening.