Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !
Hello everyone 
I just perceive me that I printed al upside 
Indeed, as my parts are symétriquent I saw not the problem 
Now, I 'prints INMOOV and this happens in reverse 
I do not understand thank you for your help
bonjour tout le monde
je viens de m'appercevoir que j'imprimais a l 'envers
en effet comme mes pieces sont symétriquent je ne voyais pas le problème

Hi Grog & Everyone,

  I have been working trying to get OpenNI to start tracking my skeleton.  I have the OpenNI service up and running.  The display shows the grey sort of depth map image, so I know it's getting data from the Kinect to display the image.  However, standing in front of the kinect, I'd expect to see a skeleton drawn on the display of the GUI.  Is there some trick to initialize the service that I need to do before it will start tracking and rendering the skeleton?

A few days ago there was talk in the Shoutbox about running InMoov with wifi or bluetooth. I would like to pursue this, one problem though, I don't know how to do it. I am willing to buy the components needed, do the testing and do a tutorial on it once it is working. I need someone to give me advise on the components needed and help with the programming. 

Does someone want to help me out with this?