Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !


I need a little help ; I was sick so i just started today to try to use my ultrasonic sensor (SR04) with MRL but i didn't success because the function pulseIn isn't recognized by the arduino service  and i don't know how to do without it . can someone help me .

So .. fairley quick fix ... Mega pin definitions were borked, and also the weboscope would choke after first 500 messages

Now it worky - just grab the - rename it to myrobotlab.jar and drop it in your install directory/libraries/jar folder

Leon and Marten from the Nederland did a great job. They had already welded all the components on the board to make it easier for me to mount it on the robot.

Of course the task was heavy because I had to dismantle all what was previously working and that a day before the Paris MakerFaire which was risky...

I had to create new printed sockets to hold all the mini Nervo boards in the various endings.

Last Hurdle....Kinda......Multiple Servos now working from MRL >>> Propeller

Also created a universal Propeller Board...... one that is easy to fit things too.....


Bottom Left adjustable power Regulator ... for servos (5V-6V) underneath is a 3.3V regulator(Hidden)

Middle Left ... FTDI serial link

16 pin chip is an 8 Channel 12 bit ADC.

Alessandruino Made It .. Two Thumbs Up ! - He said arm is borked, but maybe print fix tonight.  Doing kinect & IK demo.  No Phone demos yet.

The twins... Synchronized gestures would be cool - 1 computer 4 usb connections - script uses i01 & i02

I reviewed the InMoov.Minimal script adapted to 1695 version to work for  more recent version.

So the will work with 1987 version