Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Since yesterday evening, Bishop started to grow up again...

bhouston asked if it was possilbe to start with Python service automatically on startup. I'll be including bat files which do this again shortly, but in the interim I'll show you how to create your own.

From the command line you can start any service(s) in addition you can actually invoke any command too... You could automatically run a script, which potentially is quite powerful.

This article is to collect information regarding the very cool NeoPixel.
I would like to create a NeoPixel service, but some of the libraries require the whole Arduino to work properly (rather a heavy sacrifice)


trigPin = 7
echoPin = 8
arduino = Runtime.createAndStart("arduino", "Arduino")
sr04 = Runtime.createAndStart("sr04", "UltrasonicSensor")
sr04.attach(arduino, trigPin, echoPin)
# blocking examples