Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Lets make a Beehive Service- Automates a beehive with environmental and bee health sensors, and displays the data remotely via geolocated community driven data on a world map.

I have been meaning to test some of these modules out for a while now... and as I have the InMoov head already assembled, its nose lends its-self to the task, however sneakily its being built into InMoov's detachable ear part (easy for removing and setting up).

The sensors can be seen above located in the main ear (white) assembly.

Big very fun drone with active RFID antenna to race around locating stuff.

I would like to know if there is a way to call an external application and have that application pass back a variable that can be used in myrobotlab.  I have a lot of functions that I would like to be able to use that are developed outside of myrobotlab.  Is there a tcp server or any way for me to get the results of these functions passed back into myrobotlab?

I am getting the same error on a couple of computers running windows 7. I downloaded a fresh version of MRL and put it in a new MRL folder. Under help there is not a "no worky" . starting Python does not work.Both of these computers run 1.0.95 if that helps. error is something about StreamGobbler. See attached file of screen.

thanks for the help