Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

I had some problems and burned out an omo servo a while back. It was locked up so that meant I had to take the whole chest apart. Major hassel so I was unmotivated and didn't work on it. 

I mentioned it in the shoutboox and Mats gave me a suggestion. Don't just replace it but do an upgrade. Make something better in the process so it is moving ahead in stead of just reachieving what I already had.



I want to experiment with stepper motors as an alternative for some servos in my InMoov robot.
Searching on gives me some messages about this subject and I even see messages about a stepper-service in MyRobotLab that for some reason is no longer supported.

Can somebody tell me why this stepper-service is no longer supported? Is there an alternative? Are there any plans to pick this up again?


Hello all !

I experiment some problems. I try to isolate them one by one.
With combinaison of some ingredients like input poling + servo moveto I get script stuck or servo delays. Sometime arduino down


In previous versions (1.0.1723) I had to use setVelocity(0) function to make my servos (HK15298B) working properly (very slow). In version 1.0.1943 setVelocity doesn't work, and without this function my servos are very slow.

Note: Arduino softaware gives a compilation error for MRLComm.ino because of type issue.

I want to try the latest version of MRL (1.0.1938) on Azul. I am currently using ver 1.0.1859. I think I read in an eariler post that you don't have to delete everything in your MRL folder. You can I just delete the myrobotlab.jar and copy in the new version? Then run mrl.bat. Now that we are using programAB, gestures, and different speech, The mrl folder has even more folders. What is the right way to upgrade?

Hi everyone

Help please with setting up myrobotlab

I was using Gaels V4 script with myroblab 1412 and I had most servos working OK, could hear the acapela voice on start up but never manged to get voice control working.  I could not attach the stomach servos however.    I could succesfully manually control most of the my robot.