
In previous versions (1.0.1723) I had to use setVelocity(0) function to make my servos (HK15298B) working properly (very slow). In version 1.0.1943 setVelocity doesn't work, and without this function my servos are very slow.

Note: Arduino softaware gives a compilation error for MRLComm.ino because of type issue.

in msg.cpp lfile : void Msg::publishServoEvent( byte deviceId, byte eventType, int currentPos, int targetPos)

in msg.h : void publishServoEvent( byte deviceId, byte eventType, byte currentPos, byte targetPos);


7 years 7 months ago


There was a problem with MRLComm in version 1943. It has been corrected in version 1944. If you want to use the servo at full speed use setVelocity(-1) 

If you want it to move slow, use setVelocity(<speed in degrees/s>)

For example setVelocity(10)