Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

OK, I'm getting a bit closer on Tracking with my InMoov head.  Had to do a bunch of clean up here and there but have the head back together and mounted on my new stand with the neck piston servo in the mix so I have X and Y axis movement.

I've slowed the Velocity down from the -1 max setting to see if that helps but it didn't make a big difference.

It is almost tracking objects but seems to wander a bit and then loses the object.  I've been trying to figure out how to set the PID values.

Setting the arduino board type needs to come from the user's UI or helper functions like arduino.setBoardUno().

Currently the board can set the type, by data coming back from the board.  Although I would prefer this method, if Arduino & its firmware was capable of providing all the necessary information.  But its not.  Sad, too, because I like "plug and play"

This is my InMoov (Jarvis)

I test HV2060MG servo.

Hi guys i recently tought of what i could run my robot of as the old laptop i used is getting really slow. I really like the idea of the tablet as gael does it. On the other hand the use of one raspberry pi would be benificial for my porte monnaie...

So I'd like to hear what you guys are using and maybe the main pro and cons you have faced with your choice. I would actually like to have a full functionaly robot with kinect etc in the end and also wonder what the minimum speccs would be to run myrobotlab with all services for inMoov.

I have now a movable base for my Marvin. I control my bot with MRL and an odroid xu4 but it requires a 4A 5V power source.

I know some of you use a tablet PC which has its own battery.

Thought about using a wireless connection of my main PC (W10) with the 2 Arduinos.

Anybody running such a configuration and what devices are you using?

I think interfaces should NOT be using primitive types.  We should always use the Object form of the primitive.

For example :
instead of this :

enablePin(int address);

do this :

enablePin(Integer address);

In the past I thought int was somehow more effecient or cleaner than using the Object form, but in MRL-Land that is not the case.  In fact it can cause problems.

I'm still chasing down an issue getting MarySpeech working and playing well on my Linux installation.

I saw a discussion on adding a language and it was talking about the mary/installed directory.  In that topic there was mention of copying an .xml file for the language to the ../mrl/mary/insatlled (I think they meant ../MRL base install dir/mary/installed) But there is a problem since that mary/installed directory does not exist on my installation.

In my case there appears to be an issue with the installation as I have the following directories (all empty):

Ok, I feel the need to get on the SoapBox again, because I'm currently working with Swing UI and pin control. 

I have made tonnes of mistakes, the stuff I'm refactoring now could be a shiney example of what "not to do". With that said, I think Arduio's following functions were a mistake :

Last weekend I, Markus and Robyn visited the Indian Institute of Technology, Rorkee in India.

It was a very interesting and inspiring visit. The people we met were very nice and asked a lot of good questions. Markus had his Robyn InMoov robot and I was bringing the head of my robot. We were showing the robots from Friday to Sunday and met a lot of interesting people.