Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !


I've gotten the basics of tracking worked out thanks to help from the forum, so now on to my next quest.

I'm trying to work though speech (and speech recognition).  The examples I've found used methods that have been replaced.  For example NaturalReaderSpeech is now being use.  And there is MarySpeech, and so on.

Hello guys!


i know leapMotion is not a new service, but i recently had the necessity to use it for some work, and ofcourse MRL was the platform i used!

With alot of help from Kevin i did reach a final script that uses leap to mimic my index finger and moves a servo accordingly.

The script prints all info from all fingers and palm, however i am only using the index from right hand to control the servos (ofc u can control multiple servos).

moz4r having fun with virtual inmoov :)

Sometimes we need to figure out unecessary complexities, so that we can make things more accessable.

I'm talking about Arduino Board Type.  Something you'd think is very straight forward, yet .. its not.  Not because it can't be, but I think because few have taken the time to make sense of it.

"Board Type" is a general term, but there are potentially 2 things which depend on it.

I had buried this at the end of my replay on my other thread, so I'm expanding on it here and giving it it's own Subject.  One of the issues is no longer present in the latest build so that was fixed, but I still have the Tracking service crashing and am looking for the cause and a solution.

I am running MRL on Linux Mint 18.  This is on my notebook and that installation of Mint is using the OpenJDK and NOT Oracle's Java.

First I want to say that MRL looks teriffic and I have seen a lot of good things being done with it.  I've finally started building a robot based on InMoov, basically using InMoov design for the head to start but looking to incorporate my own designs for the rest of the body.

I've been trying to get MRL up and talking to Ardunio, but I have a couple of questions.


First I'm running on Linux, and not Windows.  I have MRL latest .1758 installed and all addons installed as well.

First I want to say that MRL looks teriffic and I have seen a lot of good things being done with it.  I've finally started building a robot based on InMoov, basically using InMoov design for the head to start but looking to incorporate my own designs for the rest of the body.

I've been trying to get MRL up and talking to Ardunio, but I have a couple of questions.


First I'm running on Linux, and not Windows.  I have MRL latest .1758 installed and all addons installed as well.

This is a walkthrough on how to control Nema17 Stepper motors using an ESP32 Webserver.

In the example above I am using the local ESP32 webserver to control InMoov's neck screw via a Nema17 stepper motor and 3D printed Gearbox.

Controlling Stepper motors via a Wifi enabled webserver opens up an easy way to control remote devices. The information here shows how this can be done easily and at low cost.

Requirements :-