This is the basic Neo Pixel Ring sketch from Adafruits site, I haven't altered it. I anyone does alter it, may post it here for everyone.
UPDATED 16.11.14 (not the picture)
In the other service I came up with (it started small, but got big very fast) (->… & )
GroG asked, if it was meant to become a "(Servo-)Orchestrator", it wasn't,
but this idea didn't released me and by hazard I found an (old) sample of me:
I have my PIR sensor set up to powerup my InMoov after after it powers down from inactivity.
I have the PIR attached to pin 12 on my right Arduino.
To start the PIR up, I do the following;
Open the myrobotlab GUI
Open Runtime then start the Arduino service,
Then select Tools and the Board and COM Port the PIR is connected to,
Go to the Oscope and select the pin that the PIR is attached to.(have the power on to your PIR)
InMoov hand making the Champlain Valley news today with some video of it in action and a peek of our Rutland Area Robotics champ bot towards the end
Heads up the link isnt working so you have to copy and paste it as a url
I will post parts of the scripts soon.
Hey everyone long day today at the Champlain mini maker faire hope everyone who was either there, at MIT, or Rome hade a good day. Did alot of talk about MRL and InMoov lots of people said they were very interested and the man in charge of the whole thing said it was one of the most impressive there and was very impressed by what we do here on MRl and on InMoov so everyone keep up the good work!
I need help to make new firmware for DLP Resin printer. I do not need a Ramps controller as the printer have only one axis and the DLP projector is controlled by cretion Workshop program .
So eat i have and what i use is:
1. Ardiuno R3
2. A4988 stepper driver
3. Nema 17 stepper Steps per revolution 200 1.8deg/step (My Z=2560)
4. Lead screw for 7 axis is 8mm x 250mm ( Standard prosa Mendal )
Ale also started a hangout - was very impressed with the quality of Google Hangout .. But got me thinking there should be better control mechanisms for tele-presence .. Occulus Rift, LeapMotion , Myo, Accelerometers, Gyros, Gamepad & even keyboard would possibly help... need to research this further
It would be a good challenge to remotely do something like stack blocks on a table.