Wanted to update all you MRL'ians to a few changes on the site...
First is the shoutbox was replaced by a running instance of MyRobotLab - WOOHOO!
Wanted to update all you MRL'ians to a few changes on the site...
First is the shoutbox was replaced by a running instance of MyRobotLab - WOOHOO!
My robot have a mouth now
The sequence is : Happy, Not happy, speechless, and talking .
I've made a sketch , solder it on a prototyping board and ... oh ! it work lol
This video is to show to Ma.Vo and Grog how I proceed to use Gesture creator, but I still need to learn the "how to"...
I just joined MRL and have zero experience with JAVA. Host systems are CENTOS 6.5 Linux with JRE installed via Centos repositories. I am unable to successfully execute as eith user or root.
java -jar myrobotlab.jar
Error message varies (no idea why) between unable to create java virtual machine and a spew of error messages indicating that it cannot process the file.
Google has reports that there may not be enough memory allocated and the syntax to increase it.
I wonder if it is related to CENTOS using OpenJava vs OracleJava.
I have had many requests in the past from people making projects who wanted to use MRL, but did not know how to incorporate it in their "already running" projects.
In the past MRLComm.ino was a sketch which you had to load into your Arduino in order to use MyRobotLab. But now, there is a kinder / gentler MRL ! It's now an Arduino library !
Now how can you use it with your own sketch!
This is a Tracking system using an FPGA altera IV chip set.
FPGA := Field Programmable Gate Array
To explain a long chain of events that led to this project.
Pre_Cursor ....Early Summer :-
I have made masks so i tri finger and put string in to see if it work and it do.