The servo's (left hand) are working mnualy, but not on speechrecognition.

I use an Arduino Uno and the

Here are some screenshots


Befor executing





10 years 11 months ago

Hi ricoldw,

Welcome back !

Step #1 - Make sure Java & Microphone are happy.  Easy way to test this.

Start an AudioCapture Service.

Then press "Capture" ... talk out loud for a little while.. then press
"Playback" - When you press playback this is what InMoov is listening to.
Can you hear yourself or no?

Use version 1695 for and


that's why I use the older version. Is it possible to use 2 versions (start it from an other directory (map))??


download is ready, now updating latest . I'll enjoy my favorite beverage later (tonight!)



10 years 10 months ago

MRL didn't show anything after updating, had to start MRL, because after updating it closed.  (is this right?, If so,is it possible to give a message after updating in the future?)

Grog, can you tell me what script will work??

