Alessandruino mentioned once that it would be nice to have a page which contained information regarding what we currently are working on.  This represents our group effort (TODO) similar to the Borg Inventory representing our  communal parts :)

So, here it goes :


Grog's List


I've got a bajillion other things on another TODO list - but really you can only work on one thing at a time - group efforts can be amazing.  Would really enjoy to know what everyone else is working on. 


10 years 7 months ago

Im what?



10 years 7 months ago

In reply to by wvantoorn

Your good at upper management.  You're telling me what I should be doing, but you haven't let us know what your doing.  I'm kidding really, but curious what your doing :)


10 years 7 months ago

- just received my odroidu3 : first step will be to make mrl worky on it, then test each service could be usefull for InMoov

-making the quad BIGGER BETTER STRONGER : added a 3d printed gimbal i designed ( not tested on flight yet). I want to add mrl on it... We ll see if a raspi or an odroid will do the job

- finish my InMoov : got to restring an hand and to print some replacement parts


10 years 6 months ago

  • Finish my inmoov. Printed all parts just some assembly left
  • Build my quadrocopter, put GPS and telemetry on and a gimbal (Ale style, his one is sweet) and reflash the Turnigy 9x transmitter. And then make him totally a UAV.
  • Build some minions for family and friends and for harry our mouse ( make sure its PLA, not ABS)
  • Finally learn Python and maybe C (++)
  • Making sure adafruit neopixel ring library wont jam with mrl script.
  • make lubuntu 14.04 on odroid work with MRL, as requested by Ale who is fixing the 13.10 version.

And as for many others, so little time so many ideas! But i will check them in time!


10 years 7 months ago

  • Finish building my InMoov
  • Finish building my ROFI
  • Finish making Minion "autonomous"
  • Revive Insectronic build
  • Start playing with other robot kits listed in my inventory


10 years 7 months ago

My ToDo List:

  • Finish chess . automated project (2nd prototype)
  • Start tinkering with RasPi in my projects 
  • Start with building FPV quadcopted 


10 years 7 months ago

So most of you guys know I'm working on a custom board called the ACU, which is an FPGA solution to the arduino/AVR/ARM designs everyone uses right now.



Test servos on FPGA

Test sensors on FPGA

build ACU board


10 years 6 months ago

Hmm not nearly extensive a list as grog or others but its a list

1. Replace InMoov Robs Shoulder with ABS Gear boxes

2. Print and install top stomach parts.

3. Help my son build his own printer.

4. Build myself another printer.

5. Update current printer  to e3D V6 extruder

6 Clean up Crap hole of a garage.

7. Gut & Pillage 6 old CPU towers & 4 Laser Jet business printers

8. List and sell Crap out of garage on ebay.

Hmm list was a bit longer than I thought. I better get busy.



10 years 6 months ago

I'm still working on my robot called "sweety" :

I've started to paint it :

For now it has just one hand in cardboard.

Left to do ( for start lol )

- two hands in wood

- Finish to paint it

- Add leds for the mouth for talk,smile, etc ...

- Set up the raspberry banana pi and fix it on the robot

- Make a power board with a 12V battery, some regulator 7805 and 7806 to have +5V and +6V ( for now all work with a 6V battery

- Modify the leds on the webcams to be controled by the arduino

- Modify the head to "say" No , for now it can only "say" Yes

- Program a lot of things to play with openCv, speak, avoid obstacles with the 6 ultrasonic sensors

- Give it a personality with AI

- Have lot of fun !!