Is there any way I can start tracking objects like in Alessandruino´s video or at Instructables?

Don´t need to be facedetect, just would like to be able to track something.

I have set up 2 servos and the camera which is working fine with the Here I get a b/w picture and I can set a black dot to an object. If I move that object the black dot stays on that object but the servos don´t move. Keep getting millions of "limit out of range errors".

Also I would like to know how I get a colored picture. If I change to Pyramid-down I get colors but "no available parameters" anymore.

This is a big puzzle to me but I am learning every day. Thank you for any help.


10 years 3 months ago

Always send No-workt mastablasta ! we need to see :)


10 years 3 months ago

One common problem is when your servos are inverted.  So when a target is being tracked - the servo goes left when it should be going right...

Ale is the guru of inverting servos :)

Now that I say this - it would be nice if Tracking "observed" that it was inverted and would auto-invert if necessary


10 years 3 months ago

I will do a new test soon (incl. invert servos) and send a no-worky if it doesn´t track.

My paradise:



10 years 3 months ago

Nice paradise!! Good looking multicopters you have! What do you use for flight control? Guess you know your stuff about multirotors, we could learn from you!! Im building a quad copter with megapiratesNG, and want to make it UAV, and going to reflash my turnigy 9x to opensource firmware.


10 years 3 months ago

Thanks, here I usually spend 15 hours every day. So far I only used Dji controllers but I will go for the Arducopter or Megapirat soon. Now that I have started to understand opensource the Arducopter or Megapirat should be the better choice. The A2 controller is a nice piece of work but limited and prices are terrible. Are you happy with the Megapirat?

I´m working on two projects, one autonomous multicopter for life-guards dropping a self-inflating lifejacket for persons in need. Here I would like to learn more about the tracking. So far I need to fly manual or with GPS fix, return to home/land is already autonomous. Also no need for changing batteries as I have a build-in balancer with auto-charge on the ground, purely theoretical 24h operational.

For now I want to learn and understand MRL and how to use and how to do. Just started some weeks ago and I like it a lot. Never thought I would go into programming but it looks more simple than expected. I google a lot but it´s hard to find information about script structure/commands of Python. But things move.


10 years 3 months ago

In reply to by Mastablasta

Great space ! 

And facinating project - KMC's makerspace is working on a similar - autonomous tracking project 

Although its to locate poachers versus persons in need..

There's a bajillion Python tutorials -  Most probably would be helpful so its hard to recommend something specific.  (I should read through one too)


10 years 3 months ago

Todays technology is amazing. Just a matter how to get all the hard- and software together.

This is a nice one as well:

Should not be too difficult to do.

My second project will be a saftey-system for multicopters. Parachutes exist but only make sense above a certain altitude. The plan is to have a double-airbag-system....lots of work yet to come!

Back to the tracking: I am using the and it started to track, ok only b/w and very slow (LKOpticalTrack). But it´s working!


10 years 3 months ago

I have sent a no-worky.

Using Was working fine this morning and after that it does not keep any dot. After I click to set the dot the servos move away from that location. Like I have marked an object 50cm away. It moves to all sides, sometimes down, up, left or right. Playing all day with this.

I was using this script:

# a minimal tracking script - this will start all peer
# services and attach everything appropriately
# change parameters depending on your pan tilt, pins and
# Arduino details
# all commented code is not necessary but allows custom
# options

port = "COM4"
xServoPin = 22
yServoPin = 24

tracker = Runtime.createAndStart("tracker", "Tracking")

# set specifics on each Servo
servoX = tracker.getX()
servoX.setMinMax(0, 180)

servoY = tracker.getY()
servoY.setMinMax(0, 180)

# optional filter settings
opencv = tracker.getOpenCV()

# setting camera index to 1 default is 0

# connect to the Arduino

# Gray & PyramidDown make face tracking
# faster - if you dont like these filters - you
# may remove them before you select a tracking type with
# the following command
# tracker.clearPreFilters()

# diffrent types of tracking

# simple face detection and tracking
# tracker.faceDetect()

# lkpoint - click in video stream with
# mouse and it should track

# scans for faces - tracks if found
# tracker.findFace()


10 years 3 months ago

Little advantage if you know where is left and where is right.....

Ok, very slow tracking compared to some videos.


10 years 3 months ago

In reply to by Mastablasta

So now the Y axis is correct?  Where was the trouble?  PID Kp makes the largest difference in tracking speed.


10 years 3 months ago

Somehow I messed up the Y-axis. Now everything looks fine. Pretty good and fast tracking, even follows a laser.

Thanks for your help.


10 years 3 months ago

If you want to play with filters without borking the video do this :

1) stop capture
2) add or remove some filter
3) capture again

It works for me


10 years 3 months ago

I was trying this possibility as well. After 2 filters the picture starts to freeze. My feling is that my CPU isn´t working properly. These days I will hook up the Arduino to a different CPU.

But the b/w tracking is really working great. I have the Kp at 15 (16 and more it starts shaking) Ki also set at 15, Kd at 0.1. Marked my sunglasses with the dot  and the camera followed fine, I could even jump an make fast moves.


10 years 3 months ago

In reply to by Mastablasta


Elves like movies with their popcorn