
11 years 5 months ago

You can start a Joystick service and look what gets populated in the dropdown.  Every system is different. In my case the rumble pad registers as device 7 - so I can use the 7 programmatically.


11 years 5 months ago

Hi GroG! Well done work, man! I haven't tried it yet on my project. Now we have all the control on our hands!


11 years 5 months ago

I know this is just a tutorial for others to learn from and not use exactly but I would suggest that the minimum speed be set to 0.05 or something above 0.0 because a user might get confused when pushing the 1 button and a direction does nothing because they don't realize they mashed the 7 button too much.


11 years 5 months ago

In reply to by kmcgerald

Agreed, Changed, Updated

also, I didn't like the filename - I'm trying to standardize these in some form.  They are supposed to start with the "dominant" service.. this was named Python.... but on consideration "Python" is mostly glue to make all the services work together happily. (Also, to implement your suggested change I looked in the repo first for Joystick and couldn't find it ;)  filename updated too


10 years 4 months ago

A heartfelt thanks to Grog for MRL and a good morning to you all. 
I just installed and started trying MRL with the following configuration: 
1 Arduino Uno R3, 
Logitech Force 3D Pro Joystick 1, 
1 Servo Hitec HS-5585MH (Programmable Digital Amplifier whit MOSFET Drive 
and this python sketch:
from org.myrobotlab.service import Arduino
from org.myrobotlab.service import Servo
from org.myrobotlab.service import Joystick
from org.myrobotlab.service import Runtime
from time import sleep
# create the services
arduino = Runtime.createAndStart("arduino","Arduino")
pan = Runtime.createAndStart("pan","Servo")
joystick = Runtime.createAndStart("joystick","Joystick")
arduino.connect("COM6", 57600, 8, 1, 0)
# attach servos to Arduino
pan.attach(arduino.getName(), 9)
# attach joystick to servos
joystick.attach(pan, Joystick.Z_AXIS)
After starting the sketch, the joystick is detected in the window controller, if I move the slider in the "servo window" the servo moves, but the servo does not move if i want to drive it with the joystick, what am I wrong? Thanks for the reply! Have a nice day! :)




What do we want !  That's right MORE CONTROL !!!  In this short tutorial I will show you how to get fine and relatively smooth control using the Joystick and Servo services.

Mech-Dickel wanted to use the joystick of a game pad to control the direction and use a button key to start and stop.  In this example we are going to control the Y axis of a pan / tilt kit, and use the (1) button for on / off.


I am using  a wireless Logitech rumble pad 2, a BBB Arduino, and a generic servo.


I have loaded the latest MRLComm.ino into the Arduino and will be using the following MyRobotLab Services:

Rather than MRL (MyRobotLab) sending individual incremental position commands to the servo on where to go, we will tell the servo to move at an incremental speed.  When the servo is moving at an incremental speed (<1.0) we have the ability to tell the servo to stop.  If we had sent a command to the servo from Python for each position the 57600bps serial speed and the computer's scheduler can make the movement very jittery.  Telling the Arduino to start moving and when its moved to the correct position, commanding it to stop is much more effecient and smooth.

