Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

It's come to my attention that my excellent Flashforge is not cutting it in the legs department. The build area is just too small for legs and other larger projects I'm contemplating. 

I don't want to spend mega-bucks on a second printer at this stage.  

Can anyone please suggest/warn about any 3D printers they've used with large build areas? I would like a fairly reliable one with a build area around 280mm/300mm cubed or larger. Preferably with a heated build plate. One extruder is okay.

I have tried to run this chatbot on Windows with Chrome (no inMoov connected). I duplicated the Alice2 bot file and called it "ghostchat". When run this in MRL it opened webgui but threw an error. I modified nothing in the swinggui. Should I have? Everything looks different in there to what it used to when I last used it.

Fred InMoov is built using two Raspberry Pi 3 with a planned third one to be installed.

Servo Control is done using a PCA9685 Servo Driver in the form of a raspberry Pi Hat from Adafruit Industries located on the top of top moths RPi named Fred_1, This is then conneted to 3 other PCA9685 Servo Driver as stand alone boards, one located on the back, and one in each bicep.

Located in each forearm is a ADS1115_16B_4CH_I2C_ADC again from adafruit industries. This allows for 4 of the 5 finger pressure sensors to be monitored.

This is testing version of IndianTTS service

Here a sample test


I have some problems to get my official API key ( free or paid ), better is to ask them.

So is is what I done waiting information, you need to open source code of the page and find API and USERID information by searching

variableConfig.API_host keyword :



If I run on Mac OSx crach myrobotlab! (Terminal sh
MRL 1.0.2386
Here the log file


Hi All,

Inmoov work fine on the PC tablet.

I want to test the same version of mrl (1.0.2336) on my Mac, but the .bat don't work on mac. Can you explain to me how i can do that ?




Ubuntu computer (only Linux is supported at this time)

​This is a tutorial on how to write MyRobotLab services in Native Python.



For now, limited Java experience is still required to create a proxy service, but this may change in the future.

Basic knowledge of Linux and virtualenv is required, Google those if needed

Knowledge of the Python programming language



Firstly, install MRL as a dev environment, as explained in the Getting Started tutorial.