But... my problem is not to install mrl on the mac. Je me suis mal exprimé.
I want to have the complete service (arm, hand, head, opencv, chatbot, etc...) in mrl for my inMoov like on my PC tablet.
So, your answer : INSTALLATION : i don't do what you said cause mrl run on the mac.
LAUNCH : i don't undestand : i have to tape "java -jar myrobotlab.jar -service python Python -invoke python execFile ./InMoov/InMoov.py" in the terminal with the good directory ??
Another thing, for me inmoov.py, it's only the finger starter, not the complete service inmoov...
When i unzip the myrobotlab1.0.1758.zip, and lauch the latest MRL version , i only have that (see the picture)... as you can see i don't have start_inmoov.bat or .sh...
Hello on MAC OS on Mac
Hello on MAC OS
on Mac Terminal sh start_inmoov.sh
Lg xmike
Hi and thanks for your answer
Hi and thanks for your answer ;-)
When I write "sh start_inmoov.sh" terminal write "cannot execute binary file"...
Hi dude ! I dont have macos
Hi dude ! I dont have macos to test.. you can try before :
chmod u+x start_inmoov.sh
dos2unix start_inmoov.sh
Hi Anto, I think i miss
Hi Anto,
I think i miss something... :-(
As you see in the post "start_inmoov.sh Error" , Acapulco Rolf succeded where i failed.
I've the same MacOs (10.12.5) and the last MRL. I have to read this post again...and again
time to decompose !
time to decompose ! start_inmoov.sh is just a shortcut to do the job for you.
At this time you need to do the job for it. Open a terminal window command and enter :
( inside the working mrl dir , exemple cd /mrl ) > cd is to select a directory where your mrl is downloaded
java -jar myrobotlab.jar -install
ok mrl is installed
java -jar myrobotlab.jar -service python Python -invoke python execFile ./InMoov/InMoov.py
will launch the magic. maybe :)
Thanks for your answer Dude
Thanks for your answer Dude !
But... my problem is not to install mrl on the mac. Je me suis mal exprimé.
I want to have the complete service (arm, hand, head, opencv, chatbot, etc...) in mrl for my inMoov like on my PC tablet.
So, your answer : INSTALLATION : i don't do what you said cause mrl run on the mac.
LAUNCH : i don't undestand : i have to tape "java -jar myrobotlab.jar -service python Python -invoke python execFile ./InMoov/InMoov.py" in the terminal with the good directory ??
Another thing, for me inmoov.py, it's only the finger starter, not the complete service inmoov...
One more thing... ;-) When i
One more thing... ;-)
When i unzip the myrobotlab1.0.1758.zip, and lauch the latest MRL version , i only have that (see the picture)... as you can see i don't have start_inmoov.bat or .sh...
you can try the last mrl
you can try the last mrl build instead of myrobotlab1.0.1758 . in the last you can find startinmoov-macos.sh as bonus :)