Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Hi, when you write a post, you may want to reference a script in pyrobotlab. To reference a script, you just need to put the path to the script it in brackets.

For example :

if you have a python script in the pyrobotlab repo, you would write

[[ home/Ray.Edgley/ ]] and the following script would show up


Hi guys, This is my first time ever using myrobotlab and it is one of the most coolest and intuitive applications i have ever used. I pulled out an arduino last week and tried to mess around the chess services by sending chess commands using the serial port. Unfortunately every time i put a serial.println code in the void loop section of the mrlcomm (after setting the baud rate of course) and uploading to my robotlab, i get an error saying: like the following:


“Arduino mrs bad magic number 10”

I am trying to pass an i01.opencv image into a python 3 aruco marker detection program using rpyc.

Found a script from alessandro that creates a jpg file when asking for it. That is a solution that will write the jpg file to disk and my aruco search could load it from there.

Hi Inmoov team,

we are looking for the command to move jaw to perticular angle,  ( with out speak ).





EDIT 5/11/2017 - Video explanations ( inmoov use )


EDIT 4/11/2017 - Added unicode support

Added unicode support to this filter because opencv dont like it ( cannot use unicode inside folder names ).

Are "things" other than Services attachable to other Services ?   I think so, but if this the case, it doesn't change the fact that the other "thing" should at some point be connected to another service.

Currently we understand attaching services this way :

Mouth <----attaches---> Ear

But I think this is valid too :

JNA/JNI is always a pain - its when  native libraries are used for either performance or legacy reasons.  And it makes Java programs much more complicated, fragile and difficult to maintain. But, after kicking Tessa4j around a bit - I wanted to see how well it worked.. so I spent a few extra cycles, kicking it and finally I got results (that's the good news) .. The bad news is it does some phenominally crappy ocr. 

I discovered that you can down-load all the back-issues of MagPi, the official RaspberryPi magazine for free from their web-site here:

Lots of pretty pickies for light reading. It's aimed at education from beginner level but there are a lot of ideas and handy code in there relating to all permutations of pi from the beginning. 

I've found some useful info and ideas in there. 


Hi guys, got stuck with things seemed obvious ...

Known issue of Russian in MaryTTS 5.2 (no voice file in the build) , so following recommendationsI  put the necessary voice files, taken from Russian version of MaryTTS 5.1

Script looks fine.