Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !


Javadoc link
Example code (from branch develop):
# more info @:
# start the service
androidspeechrecognition = runtime.start("androidspeechrecognition","AndroidSpeechRecognition")
# start mouth
marySpeech = runtime.start("marySpeech", "MarySpeech")
# shutdown microphone if robot speaking
# auto rearm microphone
androidspeechrecognition.addCommand("turn on the light", "python", "lightOn")
androidspeechrecognition.addCommand("turn off the light", "python", "lightOff")
def lightOn():
  marySpeech.speakBlocking("light is on")
def lightOff():
  marySpeech.speakBlocking("light is off")


This speech recognizer service is accurate in noisy environment, fast and globalized. It can worky OFFLINE if needed.
With or without external microphone ( wireless or jack ) 
Apk not tested on a lot of real devices, it's beta for now. Please report for bad results.

I am trying to get a ps2 joystick to control a motor through an arduino.
Can you please help ? 
Below is the code on the Arduino.


sorry my language

i used my arduino one to move two servers for inmoov eyes i can not find a working script !!( python )

can you help me? 

When you think of power protection, you first think of fuses or circuit breakers. While these are the most common devices used in both home and industry, they are far from being the only type of protection device.  Normally the fuse or circuit breaker will only be part of a larger protection system.



I really appreciate the help of Grog and Mats to perform the Overlay filter, since I do not have much experience programming.

New overlay filter.  Thanks to astro for the idea and Mats for the direction :)

Still needs a little polish and maybe some thread safety.

The overlay filters looks like it will be loads of fun


I have a Pololu Dual VNH5019 Motor Driver Shield to control a DC motor and want to control it with MyRobotlab. (See layout shield below)

If I program it directly with Arduino code for motor 1 it works fine (piece of code below)

int M1INA = 2;
int M1INB = 4;
int M1PWM = 9;

With the great post from Astro that allowed me to get over the hurdle I was stuck on with streaming video I have been able to move forward with splitting Junior's processing to run on two computers. Currently he has a RaspPi3 with a Pi cam that is running MarySpeech, 2 OLED screens for his eyes and eventually motor controls for his head and neck which will be controlled from a I2C 16-channel servo controller. The Pi is also using uv4l to stream the video from the Pi Cam


I put a gyroscope (10DOF with pressure and magnetometer from Adafruit) in my bot. I put some picture to see where i put it.

I not used MPU6050 service because i d'ont have it.

For test, i make some modification in MrlComm.ino. If somebody want it, i can give my code.
