Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

There are two cameras on the car, one fixed camera to watch the road, and the pan/tilt camera next to the robot arm for watching the pincers.

I wish all the white plastic was black instead.

I introduce Murder, Death, Car.

I hope it achieves enough sentience to break free from it's cruel human master.

Here's the camera views:

Things to do:

1. There is still space for a robotic arm on the front of the car:

OK GroG, this first picture is where his arms are after "system check"



and this is where his arms are after "how many fingers do you have"

It seems that everyone is having the same problem with InMoov hearing background noise and interprting it as a possible command.

Is it possible to incorpate a "trigger word" into the voice command? The program woud have to hear this word before interpeting the command, for example;

"InMoov, arms up', InMoov, fist hips" ,,,InMoov , being the trigger word, without this word it does nothing.

The trigger word should be user programable so that what ever someone has named their InMoov they could call it that.

Here is a video by Daniele Orfino, a guy who i met in Taranto during the Arduino day... He loved MyRobotLab and he is moving his first steps in the MyRobotLab World !!!

Here is a continuos servos controlled using MRL !!! Worky !!!