Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Hi all,

So finally got MRL working on my Mac and the services installing correctly (where do they install exaclty on the local drive?)

I am using build 1695 as the more recent builds error out on the Mac

But now openCV does not seem to be working with my Mac's built in camera (iSight). I set it up so that its Camera=0 and input=OpenCV but when I click capture, the webcam light goes on for a second but then goes off, and nothing loads. All I see is the MRL robot logo in the view area. 

The commandline output just says:

Well Rob is having a SERVOBRATION all of his servos came in the mail today along with 1 of his eyes

Thanks Wayne for the braided line it also came today. Rob also says his father will be very busy in the next week printing testing and installing all his new parts.

tia GroG

I want to create a script to hold a conversation with MRL. I want to say something to him and have him react verbally to my words, dependent on those words. 


Gael I have revised the opening on the shoulder pot holder to work with the rectangular potentiometers.

Could you be so kind to give these a look before I post them to thingivers? I am curious as to wheter or not the pot detent pin is in the correct orientation.

Thanks so much for all you do.


cleverbot = Runtime.createAndStart("cleverbot","CleverBot")
speech = Runtime.createAndStart("speech","Speech")
speech.speakBlocking("how are you"))