Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !


I'm on the way of borging KinectV2 in MyRobotLab.... 

First i want to test if it's worky "outside" .

Here is different Path i found :

- Microsoft SDK v2 - Kinect for Windows V2 -> FAIL -> Windows 8 is required !

- Processing Library for KinectV2 -> FAIL -> Again Windows 8 and MicrosoftSDK required

- Java library with jni - : WORK IN PROGRESS 

- Libfreenect2 - : WORK IN PROGRESS


Hey guys.... My Cousin , Silvio Didonna, got a chance to try MyRobotLab on his new RaspberryPi 2 board with raspicam module ( a camera specifically designed to work with Raspberry).

Him and I were expecting great results from it, but we were a bit worried about the drivers...

Silvio managed to use V4L2 drivers and it works like a charm :

how to configure more than one Arduino board in mrl without using the service inmoov?


I have one problem with MRL and servos

I did everything correctly to move and control my servo with MRL but it is not possible , the Arduino is connected correcly and it is working just the servo didn`t move.

hello everybody

I have one problem with MRL and servos

I did everything correctly to move and control my servo with MRL but it is not possible , the Arduino is connected correcly and it is working just the servo didn`t move.

also I used this link and i recieved answer the same:

any one had the same problem???????


I happen to have at my hands a ranger finder lms500 and i want to use  the myrobotlab program to view its output, i know i can do that with SOPAS but my main goal is puting the laser on a P3-AT and then doing SLAM.
Can anyone help me with that? or show the way into how to do it on myrobotlab.
Thank you.


we have some problems with our OpenCV2-implementation or library (we aren't so sure). We want our pictures to be exported as cvMat but at the moment we have no access to anything with cv2.anyFunction, so we get our pictures as IplImage. 

We want to continue with image procession with this format with cv2-functions in Python, that's why we need it.

Any suggestions how to get this started or even if it's possible to get it started?

Thanks in advance :)