Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Hello guys, I am running the latest version of MRL. I was looking at Kwatters latest video. It looked to me that he was running a 64bit version. do we have a 64bit version? if so how do I get it.

BTW Kwatters video was vety  good.

Thanks BC 



I'm testing RemoteAdapter with several services. I have tested AcapelaSpeech, Arduino and Servo. I think they are worky now. I have only made very light test yet, so more testing is needed.

The service that I'm testing now is the OpenCV service. It starts up nice and I can see it on both hosts, but as soon as I start capture it fails. 

I think that the problem is that java.awt.image.BufferedImage can't be serialized. I found a note in at line 111

// FIXME - don't return BufferedImage return SerializableImage always !

Using a marker, Processing, Kinect4WinSDK, nyar4psg and on my PC I wrote some code that will position the InMoov in a defined position in front of a door.

As the kinect range of view is a bit limited I had to fix the marker 20 cm above the door handle axis. 

Unfortunately in my case I had to do the movements on my own (an omniwheel base as Robyn has is yet on the wishlist of my Marvin). The distance to the door is 55..60 cm and could be more precise with a nicely positionable base.

Today I have try to fix the Tracking service without success

The problem seem to be relate to the servo map function

At his original state, Tracking was working when NOT using map function

Data used by Tracking are mix data from map input and output

it use servo.getPos() (input) and servo.getMax() or servo.getMin() (output)


I try to use all input data (servo.getPos(), servo.getMaxInput() and servo.getMinInput()

but it make the Tracking service run without limits when servo limits are not set using map function.

Hi ! What is the best ( clean ) way to control a dc motor with potentiometer ( like a DIY servo )

MRL dc motor service ( pwm commands to hbridge ) and PID


Dedicated arduino with Dcmotor shield and library like this : 

So the commands to the dedicated Arduino are send throught I2C ( do,t know how to use this )

Thank you

After many unsuccessful try to bring back compatibility for servo speed control into the new MRLComm, I decide to run some test to understand better the old style speed control

I modify MRLComm used with version 107 and version 1412 to report the time it take to move the servo from 0 to 180 (or 180 to 0) at various speed setting and compute the angular velocity at those speed setting

Here`s the results

The shiffman videos reminded me of the kinect sitting idle in the center of my InMoov.

I have tried to follow his examples on my PC and had some troubles making the kinect work again (driver issues) and make it run on my PC (his examples are shown on a mac) and finally succeeded with it.

Now I wonder wether I could run the power hungry image and depht analysis on my PC with Processing and send specific move commands to my bot where I run MRL on a ubuntu/odroid device.