Today I have try to fix the Tracking service without success

The problem seem to be relate to the servo map function

At his original state, Tracking was working when NOT using map function

Data used by Tracking are mix data from map input and output

it use servo.getPos() (input) and servo.getMax() or servo.getMin() (output)


I try to use all input data (servo.getPos(), servo.getMaxInput() and servo.getMinInput()

but it make the Tracking service run without limits when servo limits are not set using map function.


I try to use all output data (servo.getTargetOutput(), servo.getMax() and servo.getMin()

seem to be worky, but in the case of gael inMoov i02, who have servo turning in reverse, it make Tracking turn in the wrong direction. setInverted(true|false) don't help.

I think using all input data is the right approach, but it also need to work when not using the map function.

Someone have some idea?


8 years 4 months ago

@calamity, i decided to attack my hardware!!!!

I reversed the polarity of the motors and the potentiometers in the three servos that needed the mode setInverted(True).EDesoldering is becoming a passion for me, ahaha!

Problem is solved on my side, but I am guessing other members might encounter the same issue...